Chapter 87

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    In mid-July, the disappearance of Yun Qianxue after Qiying was airborne, and the version was quickly slaughtered.

    Various marketing accounts and studios are like wild dogs smelling the smell of meat, pounced from all directions, grabbing this piece of fat to attract traffic and heat to themselves.

    #过气影后The reason for the disappearance is suspected to have a dispute with the popular Xiaohua of the same crew, and was kidnapped when traveling alone late at night. #

    #云影后 disappeared, and blood remains at the disappearance site. The police have filed a case and are doing their best to search and rescue. #

    #Passing the air, who has offended him and suffered revenge? #

    #2079, does anyone remember Yun Qianxue? After Qiying disappeared for three days, the crew did not know the incident? #

    Such titles appear on the homepage of various browsers, and it is annoying for people to look at them.

    "Is this Yun Qianxue endless? I had to gossip with my brother before, and it was really annoying to tie up my brother in two days!" The rice dumplings are almost dying Yun Qianxue.

    Zongzi is the fan name of the movie emperor Zong Hexiu, and they hate Yun Qianxue, the queen of Qi Ying.

    Yun Qianxue and Zong Hexiu originally belonged to an entertainment company, and Yun Qianxue became famous early, and he also helped Zong Hexiu.

    But not long after Zong Hexiu became famous, Yun Qianxue passed away. And shamelessly rubbed his brother's heat, repeatedly bundled, maliciously marketed his wife's personality.

    This is disgusting. Because of this a lot of things turned into fans, and the fans turned black, and she became more thorough.

    But it's strange.

    Although Yun Qianxue's acting skills are good, somehow, after she became a queen, she didn't have a good script and no good director to find her.

    Many people guessed too much whether she offended someone, so she was hidden by the company.

    And Yun Qianxue's fans, Xuexue, even scolded the garbage company and delayed their Xuexue's future.

    The entertainment company couldn't stand the impact of the snowflakes and ended the contract with Yun Qianxue.

    But when the Xuexues felt that their sister was finally free and could fly high, they realized that their Xuexue had no entertainment company willing to ask for it.

    And Yun Qianxue wants to build a studio by herself, but she doesn't know why, there are always various accidents and problems.

    Only recently did she receive a good script. The director is also a famous director. When she first went to the crew, she went there with excitement and enthusiasm.

    But when I went there, I found out that the crew’s equipment was not complete, and even the crew was unable to shoot for various reasons within a week after the boot.

    "It's hell, this Wia just checked it well, why did it suddenly break?"

    After a female second's special double fell, the crew completely stopped all filming.

    The director simply went out and didn't know what he was doing. When he came back the next day, the crew got his order and started filming again.

    This time, the shooting went smoothly.

    However, Yun Qianxue felt his scalp numb and was flustered.

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