Chapter 82

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    Although I don't know if his host believed it, Yin Shaoqing returned to normal in the next few days.

    It was still time to talk, to smile, and the fat civet cat relaxed and continued to wait for the completion of the world mission.

    Probably because the Liutang Mountain's punishment was too loud, the gangsters in Yunliu's area all hid.

    The way back went smoothly.

    It was much earlier than their expected arrival date.

    Once back, the little princess first counted the tiger skins she was going to bring back to her favorite emperor sister, and then grabbed Yin Shaoqing, asking her to tell her what happened in Liutang Mountain.

    Even the little princess in the town knew about this big movement.

    Yin Shaoqing, who was anxious to go home, stayed helplessly, and said quickly what she should know.

    Probably her eagerness to go home was too obvious, and the little princess was too embarrassed to keep her.

    She just gave her a set amount of money, and asked her: "I am going back to the capital at the end of the year. There is no protection on the road. I will give you a lot of money. Can you be my guard?"

    There are some guards around her, but there are too many tiger skins. Not enough people.

    Her dear emperor sister has passed a letter to her flying pigeon and told her that she would send someone to pick it up.

    But the little princess really didn't want the Pearl to be dusted. It would be a pity that such a person would not enter the Guards.

    Yin Shaoqing directly responded when she heard the words, she was originally aimed at this.

    The little princess took the initiative to speak, which couldn't be better.

    She thought that she didn't make any outstanding performance when she came back this time, and the little princess would not take her to the capital.

    Fortunately, she didn't release the water before the battle with Twelve.

    The little princess agreed, waved happily, and let them go.

    This middle-aged girl finally didn't lose her face again!

    Compared to the little princess' satisfaction, the moment Yin Shaoqing stepped into the house and saw Yun Qianxue, it could almost be described as ecstasy.

    The sky is a lesson, she really misses the little girl too much.

    Closing the door with one hand, Yin Shaoqing rushed over to pick up the little girl and turned around for several times!

    Yun Qianxue exclaimed and asked her to hold her up, and quickly wrapped her hands around the person's neck, and smiled and let this tall and gorgeous middle-aged girl go crazy.

    The sound of crisp laughter made Shaoqing agitated.

    She lowered a little to put the person in her arms, and as soon as she raised her head and stretched out her hand, she pressed the little girl and bit on the pink and tender, soft and sweet lips.

    The flowery lips seem to contain flowers, very sweet.

    Yin Shaoqing tasted this, and she didn't know how to measure it.

    She kissed the person, her face flushed, her eyes gleaming, and she beat her back breathlessly, and then reluctantly separated.

    He was still holding the panting little girl, pecking and kissing the red and swollen lips like a woodpecker.

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