Chapter 100

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    Reese is a planet highly invaded by mad beasts. Demeter calendar March is the season when the mad beasts dormant.

    The Imperial Guard, code-named 240, stationed here is taking the opportunity to repair.

    "I heard that the people of Team 395 will come over today to help with the impact of the beast wave next month." The Wenjing girl with glasses wiped the gun in her hand and spoke to the woman next to her.

    "Chi San, don't have dreams that are not marginal~" The slim and slender woman looked back with a variety of styles.

    She played with the long whip in her hand and laughed at the imperial pustules with a sultry ending: "Rise Star is a planet abandoned by the empire. Apart from our Zeyous team, who would come here without fear of death?"

    Zeyou Si was originally under the command of the Seven-Star Marshal, one of the three marshals of the empire, but then the S-class beast wave broke out, and the two marshals of Seven Stars and Sixiang died on the battlefield, and Marshal Luoshu was destroyed and forced to succumb to the rear.

    This also caused the group of wolves of the imperial royal family to take the opportunity to take over the rights of the three marshals and expel their loyal followers to the supernumerary planet.

    In the name, let these warriors guard the empire's star field and become the last line of defense of the empire.

    But in fact they were exiled, they were pawns abandoned by the empire.

    When the thornhead troops under the three marshals were dispatched, only some auxiliary units were left to fish in troubled waters in the troops recognized by the empire.

    But obviously, the 395 auxiliary team was afraid that someone had offended someone and was sent to death in such a place.

    "Chi Er is right." Standing on the treetops of the towering ancient trees, an eleven or twelve-year-old girl said coldly: "The 395 auxiliary team is directly under Marshal Luoshu. One of the marshal's right-hand men was this team. , Now the marshal is not dead, those people will not do too much."

    The guard team of the interstellar is divided into two types: attack speed type and auxiliary type. The attack speed team is composed of sentries, and the auxiliary team is composed of guides.

    Marshal Luo Shu was able to survive back then because he and his subordinates were all guides, so the other two marshals were forced to stay behind.

    The guide has almost no combat ability without the sentry, but the sentry will die without the guide.

    The unreasonable mental riot will kill them.

    This is also the reason why Qixing and Sixiang do not let the guides go to the forefront.

    As long as the guides are safe and sound, the frantic sentry on the front can be comforted by them in the rear, and it is possible to survive.

    Luo Shu's team is the most solid support for the frontline blade forces.

    But in that S-class beast tide, traitors killed a large number of guides from behind.

    This also led to the imperial guards led by the three marshals, many of the sentries died due to mental riots that could not be guided in time.

    In order to win this victory, the guards paid a painful price.

    However, although Luo Shu no longer has the right to speak at the military headquarters, his subordinates did not order him not to move.

    Likewise, the guides are too precious and too fragile.

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