Act 1 Lifelight: Galeem!

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"Don't let a single one get away!" Fox held his weapon atop a cliff in order to distinguish his enemy, everyone was here, and they all knew what he was pointing at...

"We'll each need to take down about 10" Marth stated as he looked up, an army of master hands filled the sky, it was a terrifying sight. And what was in the middle of the sky was even more terrifying

"Stow your fear. It's now or never!" Zelda claimed towards Marth, standing proud and firm with her words, everyone knew the Embodiment of Light above them had horrid intentions.

"We'll win this...I know we will!" Pit Exclaimed. telling everyone, and himself these words, he looked over to his counter part, Pittoo, or rather Dark Pit. Who nodded in agreement with his rival.

Shulk standing on the front lines next to Mario and Fox eyes suddenly went wide as the manado activated his foresight, what he saw horrified him...he turned and looked towards the smash brothers with dread...there was no time...only one could survive, he looked down towards Kirby with panic...

and as Galeem created a black holde in the sky using the army of master hands at its disposal, it burst with beams of light that enveloped the whole sky and headed right towards the smash bros...


Link was first to fall, he slashed down against the beams of light, and his shield even seemed to deflect the first beam, but it threw him off balance and the second beam engulfed him. taking his body and turning it to ash almost, that's what it looked like to the others at least.

Samus was next, she blasted at the beams in an attempt that it would do anything, but when her blasts were deflected like nothing, she knew she stood no chance, so she ejected from her suit in an attempt to escape, using her rocket boots to boost her way into the air but it was no use and she was engulfed by the light as well.

Zelda levitated herself into the air, with Mewtwo right behind her as well, they saw approaching beams from behind them, and both attempted to set up their reflects in order to deflect the light, but it phased right through the psychic and magical spells and turned their bodies to black ash just like the others. Shiek tried not to make the same mistake as her counter part and attempted to teleport away, but she could only make it so far before the light traveled and caught up to her.

Sonic was way ahead the moment he had heard Shulk shout, but he turned when he saw Pikachu attempting to run away with Pichu as well, he pivoted his run a little, slowing down to reach for the two smaller pokemon, but this gave Galeem a chance to catch up, and all 3 of them saw light before their eyes, pikachu was the first to be caught, and right after pichu stopped in horror seeing her big brother be engulfed, Sonic was next and in a split moment he was turned to black ash by the light as well.Pichu left all alo ne stumbled and fell over because of the chaos, she tripped over an empty pokeball left behind...

even a black demon like Bayonette stood no chance against the overwhelming light that was consuming everyone, she attempted to fly away as a bat after firing a few of her shots but she was quickly taken over by light as well.

Pokemon Trainers both Red and Leaf attempted to use their pokemon's strongest attacks combined in an attempt to hold back the beams of light that were swallowing each of them one by one, even Bowser attempted to help with his own flamethrower, covering the two trainers and their pokemon from the light, but once Bowser was taken, no one was shielding either of them, Red and Leaf and all of their pokemon were also consumed. a singular pokeball dropping on the ground being left behind...

Captain Falcon tried to flee in his car but before he could even jump in it he was dusted by the beams of light, Falco attempting to do the same thing, flying away in an arwing, knowing Fox was long gone by now, but not even the Arwing stood a chance against the beams of light and both machine and Falco were consumed

the remaining pokemon attempted to avoid the beams of light, running away wasn't working for anyone, so evading it out and waiting for Galeem's power to die out may be a key to surviving, so Lucario and Greninja were attempting to avoid as many beams as possible but still staying close together, but while in a teleport Greninja moved away at the wrong time and left Lucario exposed, and after Lucario was engulfed Greninja was surrounded by light and was taken and turned to ash as well.

in the panic and fear, the two Inklings, Riley and Beck. blasted their paint on the ground in an attempt to hide from the attacks, but light went underneath the ground and engulfed both of them, destroying the cliffside in the process.

"GO!!" Palutane exclaimed, activating the power of flight for Pit and Dark Pit, the two angels flew away and it looked as if they could escape, when Pit turned around to see if the Goddess was following them, Palutane set up her own reflect against a beam, but not even Light could counter Light and once Palutane was engulfed and turned to ash, Pit and Dark Pit fell right into the beams of light themselves, turning to dust.

hidden in his own box, Snake had no luck as light found its way through and before he could even escape he was consumed. Diddy Kong and Rosalina both paired up attempting to fly away right into space in order to escape, but Diddy Kong's rocket jet sputtered out and he fell, Rosaline saw her end coming and whisked a spell over her Luma, making him disappear in a sparkle before she was consumed.

Panic set in suit, fighters like the Wii fit Trainers. Abigail and Andrew, used a technique to try and avoid the beams of light, it seemed to work for a moment beam the beams of light prolonged and they couldn't hold their pose forever, others like Ness, Lucas, Villager and Duck Hunt didn't even stand a chance to think of a way to escape. everyone was devoured by the light.

Even the Fire Emblem hero's stood no chance even with being the strongest in numbers, Reflet and Kamui were the first to fall, attempting to use their signature smash attacks against the light, and it ended them. Robin and Corrin attempted to do the opposite of their gender counter parts and set up shields to protect themselves, the others like Roy, Ike and Lucina behind them, as to not abandon their friends, the shield did not hold well, and those and all of the others... Were consumed in an instant afterwards.

One by one, everyone was torn apart by light. Meta Knight and Kirby were both attempting to fly away at full speed, Dodging incoming beams of light, from behind them, but there were just to many, Kirby pushed his Starship even more to increase its speed, while Meta Knight slowed down, Kirby gasped and called out to him, turning over to see the masked fighter clash his sword against one of the beams, holding it back for a split second, Kirby saw the end come to Meta Knight, but it was enough time bought and Kirby could go even faster, he started out-flying the beams of light, and managed to narrowly escape many of them. Pushing his starship to its maximum-!!...*PING* Kirby suddenly vanished...not taken by the beams of light just...Gone.

Light engulfed the rest of the world, with every hero gone. the universe was crushed by the hands of Galeem. Those who fought the light were devoured. Many who attempted to stand against Galeem lost in an instant, but instead of being turned to ash like the smash brothers. The others lost their bodies and became spirits doomed to forever be wisps of light and serve no other purpose than to power Galeem's core.

Snapping back into Reality, Kirby's starship came crashing down into the sandy mountainside, him landing face first into the rock, once he got up, he looked over the cliffside at the world of light ahead of him...only one survived, a star of hope twinkles faintly as the dust settles on a new world.

What was left of the taken fighters was nothing more than shells of what they once were, light melting away the personalities, interests, kindness and love they had for one another and others from their own wolds, and Galeem forced the captivated spirits to pull the strings of the husks of the beloved hero's, almost like puppets. This army of puppet smash brothers spread themselves across the last remaining world, can anyone free the smash brothers from Galeem's control? is there any hope for the fallen fighters?

The journey to defeat Galeem Begins

but Kirby wont be alone...

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