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I wake up the next morning to Harry peppering kisses over my face. I smile before opening my eyes hugging myself into him.

"Good morning, my love." He says over my lips before capturing them in his own. "Happy birthday baby."

"Thank you, H." I say with a smile over his lips.

"I don't know about you..." He hums and I laugh into him. "Time to get up, busy day darling."

"Ugh, Harry can't we stay in bed all day." I whine. I knew he would have some elaborate birthday celebration, I know it will be a fun day and I am so grateful he takes the time to plan these things and make me feel special. But I do love laying in bed all day with no plans.

"I'm kidding I knew you'd say that. Stay here." He said as he gets out of the bed and opens the door to a whole cart of breakfast in bed. I gasped when I saw it in awe, literally any form of breakfast food you could imagine was here.

"Harry, this is literally perfect. Thank you." I sit up on my knees wrapping my arms around him as he stands next to the bed.

"This is just the beginning." He smirks.

With all of the food there was a beautiful bouquet of flowers with a sweet note.

Happy birthday, my love!
You mean the world to me.
I love you with all I have.
Yours forever and ever, H <3

I got teary eyed reading the note. I love him so much it hurts me.

"I couldn't write how much you mean to mean on such a tiny piece of paper so here's a song I've been working on." He grabs his guitar and starts playing before it even processes in my mind or I can get a word out of my mouth.

if I was a bluebird, I would fly to you

you'd be the spoon dip you in honey so I could be stickin to you

daylight, you got me cursing the daylight

daylight, you got me cursing the daylight

daylight, you got me calling at all times 

ain't going to sleep to the daylight 

I lean into him with tears rolling down my face. My heart feels like it could explore. I am speechless.

"Harry." I say but no words follow.

"Don't cry baby." He giggles.

"I love it and I love you." I say as he wipes a tear away and connects our lips.

"I love you." He repeats back to me.

We lay back in the bed and enjoy our breakfast in bed. It was the most perfect morning sharing kisses, laughing, and being together in our own little happy bubble.

I made him replay the song for me about a thousand times. It isn't finished yet, but it is perfect to me.

The day couldn't have been more perfect. We spent the morning in the hotel room spending time together. The afternoon on a walk in the most beautiful garden before getting ice cream. Now it's show time, the best way to end the best day.

I got some calls from my friends and family which was special and even a lot of Harry's fans were wishing me a happy birthday on social media.

Harry and I are both getting ready backstage stealing looks and kisses from each other. "This one better be the best show yet." I wink to him as I do my hair.

"Oh, I'll give you a show all right." He smirks back.

After we are all ready he gives me a big hug as I wish him good luck.

Towards the middle of the show Harry comes over to the side of the stage I am standing by. "Today is a special day." He begins looking to me with a huge smile.

The fans begin to yell anticipating what he is about to say. "It's a very special person's birthday today." He laughs at the fans reaction of yelling.

"Happy birthday baby." He says to me making the yelling grow louder.

"Today is my girlfriend, Rowan's birthday." He says making the butterflies dance in my stomach hearing him say those words. The fans yell louder as it's the first time either of us have publicly said what we are.

"Could you all help me and sing her happy birthday."

As they sing I have a huge smile on my face and I know my face is beat red from all the attention. I am so grateful for how supportive Harry's fans have been of our relationship. They really are the sweetest people.

Once the show was over Harry ran off stage into my arms. "I had too, don't hate me." He hugs himself into me. I can feel his smile grow against my cheek. "Happy birthday Ro."

"You're a dork." I say as I hit his arm. "But thank you."

We went out for drinks and dessert with the band. It was really the most perfect day and I can't thank Harry enough for making me feel so special.

Love on Tour - Harry StylesWhere stories live. Discover now