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At the end of last school year all we would talk about was moving into our new apartment and all the crazy memories we would make. Emma, Hadley, Sydney, and I couldn't wait to decorate our apartment in all the cutest decor, have endless movie nights, sleepovers, wine nights, parties, and live together making the best memories.

I still can't wait to do all of these things with my best friends, I just wish Harry was closer and I'd be able too see him more.

I barely slept last night just wishing he was next to me. I rolled over in the morning hoping I would find him laying there although I knew I wouldn't. I drug myself out of bed to go shower before we start moving in. My dad helped me load my car. I had a 2 hour drive to campus. We said our goodbyes. I was sad to leave my family after only getting to see them for a day.

Good morning Ro!

good morning harry 💕

How did you sleep my love?

not the best

Me either

wished you were there all night

Me too
It'll get easier

a month is nothing ;)

That's my girl
How's the moving going?

just about to head over
and start

I won't distract you any longer I
have a meeting call me later I
want a house tour!

okay love you h

I love you 

My roommates went shopping and picked out all of the furniture and decorations while I was gone and knew they would make it adorable.

"Hey Ro." Hadley greeted me with a hug. "How are you? I missed you."

"I'm good. I missed you all too."

"I'm expecting all the juicy details on you and Harry fucking Styles."

I laughed knowing she's one of my best friends and just wanted to catch up but I hope all my conversation wouldn't be about how I was dating 'Harry Styles' and people using me to get to him. Not that I don't want to talk about him I just don't want people to think of me differently.

"He's great. I miss him though." I softly replied. 

"I bet but don't worry we are going to have so much fun it'll make up for it." She said trying to comfort me.

We started in the kitchen and unpacked all our new appliances, pans, bowls, and everything else and moved throughout the apartment setting up all of our furniture, hanging all our decorations, and putting everything in it's place. We did this all while laughing and the crazy memories we have made from the past 2 years since we met freshman year.

It was all coming together and looked so cute. After we had the main area all set up we separated into our rooms and put our bedrooms together.

I kept mine simple with a white bedspread and pillows. I hung some cute prints above my bed along with a mirror and added a few other fake plants because there's no way I could keep real ones alive, that's Hadley's job. I was happy with how it was coming along. I had some pictures printed off to put up on one of my walls and began taping them up.

I sorted them out and put them in the order I wanted them. Some were random pictures and quotes I found on pinterest but most were of my friends and I. As I was looking through the ones with Harry, I couldn't help but let a few tears fall. It has only been a day and I already miss him so much.

Emma walked by and saw me with tears in my eyes entering my room. 

"Hey how's it going?" She said as I wiped the tear falling down my cheek.

"Hey Em. It's going good. How's yours room?" I put on a fake smile. I don't want to bring the mood down. Everyone else is filled with excitement of the beginning of the year, I don't want to ruin that. 

"You don't have to act like that around me." 

"I know." I paused. "I just miss him so much, it's only been a day and it hurts." I chocked back my tears. 

"I know but it will get easier. Just keep busy. You'll have tons of with school work." She began.

"Ugh don't remind me." I laughed.

"And we will have tons of fun going out and just everything we always do. It'll be good. We're always going to be here for you, I promise you that."

"You're the best, Em. I missed you." I pulled her into a hug before we finished hanging up my pictures on the wall. 

"Hey baby." I said answering Harry's facetime.

"Hi Ro. How are you?" Harry smiled through the phone. 

"I'm alright. You?"

"Yeah, as good as I can be. Let's see this apartment."

"Is that Harry?" Hadley practically squealed like a huge fan girl. 

"Yes." I laughed at her reaction.

"Oh my gosh Harry, hi. I'm Hadley one of Rowan's roommates." Hadley waved in the camera introducing herself. 

"Hi Hadley. You better take good care my girl."

"Oh we will, lots of partying and no studying." She half joked and we laughed along.

"Yes all the parties." Emma said jumping in to say hi as well.

"Emma you're suppose to be the good influence." Harry laughed.

"Emma a good influence?" Sydney joined in.

"Says you who goes out literally every night of the week." Emma fought back.

"Yeah yeah whatever. But don't worry we will take good care of your girl." Sydney said.

"Sounds like it." Harry said sarcastically.

They let us finish talking. I gave him the tour showing him all the little details around the apartment. He was happy when I showed him the pictures of us hung up on the wall. We caught up about what had happened since I'd left. I said hi to the band as they all got ready for tonights show. 

I wished I could be there so badly. Back stage before the show holds so many fun memories of us messing around. 

I wished we could have talked all night but Harry had to go perform.

My roommates and I hung out and caught up on everything we'd missed in each others lives over the summer.

Love on Tour - Harry StylesWhere stories live. Discover now