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The next day I was getting ready for the show. Harry sat on my bed.

"I'm so excited to finally see you perform." I said doing my hair.

"You have, twice." Harry laughed.

"But like a whole show."

"You did, that's when we met remember." He teased me.

"Well yeah but like since knowing you and getting to be apart of everything. Just let me have my moment." I laughed.

"You look beautiful." Harry said as he walked behind me and put his arms around my waist, his head rested on my shoulder and he kissed my cheek. I put my hand on the side of his face.

"Thank you. I can't wait to see your outfit for tonight." I looked at him through the mirror.

"It's a good one."

"They all are."

It was time to head to the venue, we all piled into the cars. Going back stage and being in an arena before anyone else was such a cool feeling. I sat on a couch and watched all of Harry's stylists get him show ready.

Charli 🤩💗🍉🍒🥝🌻
send lotsssss of vids 😍

i will :)

have so much fun
miss you tons

miss u more char 💕

"Hey Harry. How's it going man?" A few people walked into Harry's dressing room. Harry greeted them.

"Ro." He motioned for me to come over by him. "These are some of my friends. Guys this is my um- this is Rowan."

I smiled. We hadn't put a label on what we were yet. It was cute when he got nervous.

"Hi nice to meet you all." They all shook my hand.

"They're hear to watch tonight's show. They'll be in the same area as you with Jeff, Sofia, and everyone."

Sofia led us all out to our area in the pit, blocked off away from everyone. 
"So what's up with you and Styles." One of them asked me.

"Um I'm not really sure." I laughed. "We're just uh I don't know."

"Oh I get it." He raised his eyebrows with a smirk.

"They're in love." Sofia teased me. "They met at the Minneapolis show. She came like 5 days ago, she's all Harry talked about before she came, and still all he talks about."

"Aw little Harry is in love. Don't break his heart." He warned me.

"I could never." The music started and Harry walked out on stage. He waved in our direction. It was so fun to watch him do what he loves.

"He can't keeps his eyes off of you." Harry's friend said to me.

"I don't think he's looked at any where for more than a minute before looking back at you." Another added.

"That was amazing Harry." I said running into his arms backstage after the show connecting our lips. 

"Thank you, and thank you all for coming." He said to his friends.

"You must have missed us a lot, you didn't stop staring at us." One of them teased.

"Yeah that's who he was staring at." Mitch joined in teasing Harry.

"I was just making sure you guys were having a good time." Harry laughed.

Love on Tour - Harry StylesWhere stories live. Discover now