Chapter two.

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Ethan turned and whimpered. His fingers dug into the bed, He was having one of those nightmares he always had whenever he was stressed. He saw himself in his home again and he felt his caretaker hit him again. Hurt him, Hitting him with the belt over and over again. He bit his lip as he entangled with his sheets

His parents had died in a car crash a few weeks after he was born and he was left with his father's right-hand man as his caretaker since he did not have any relatives to go to. The man was only concerned with his inheritance. Thus, he did his best to hurt and break Ethan and at a point, he succeeded. Somehow though, Ethan managed to escape and that was how the boys found him on the streets.

Ethan held back a sob as his eyes shot open. He could feel fat tears running down his cheeks. He wasn't a child though, he wasn't supposed to cry about a stupid nightmare. He was about to get off the bed when he noticed something.

The bed was wet. Ethan froze. the last time he had wet the bed was when he was thirteen. His father's right-hand man— Felix, always denied Ethan the right to use the toilet as he would lock him up in a room for days every week, only letting him out after two three days. The man tried to ensure that Ethan didn't get to grasp the reality of what life was outside the four walls of that room.

“No no no,” Ethan mumbled as he panicked sewing the wet patch on his trousers and the soaked bed. They already treated him as a child, now— now they would think he was a helpless baby, plus, Daniel was mad at him.  Daniel would kick him out of the house. He- he couldn't let that happen. How- how could he fix this. It wasn't morning yet, it was still evening, Meaning he had slept off in Alex's arms. He was so dumb at times. He tugged on his hair as he whimpered before he quickly got up and grabbed the sheets. He knew— If he could hide the sheets, he could get out of this, Yes. all he had to do was hide the sheets. no one would find out. Yes.

He stuffed the sheets under his bed and struggled to find new sheets from the closet. For some reason even though he had just woken up, He felt so tired. It was probably because he had spent the previous night at the house opposite theirs, Playing FIFA overnight, Daniel didn't know about that — thankfully.

He didn't like keeping secrets from Daniel or the rest of his family — Yes, he considered them family. He had lived with them for almost four years now. He just hoped no one would find the sheets as he got new ones and spread them on the bed. The next job was to get out of the wet pants he was in, This was quite easy, Ethan simply pulled them off and shoved them under the bed before he rushed into the shower.

He was still shaken up by the nightmare, Normally, He rarely had these nightmares, the last time he had nightmares was when they had first found him on the streets, Alex had insisted that he come to them if he ever had nightmares again and they would ensure he was safe. but that was almost four years ago. He would be twenty in a few months. He didn't need anyone to 'calm' him down after a nightmare. He didn't.

After showering, Ethan sprayed perfume in the room and then went back to sleep.


“I still think you need to take it easy with him, you know how he is— Ethan is very sensitive, he might not admit it but he needs to be taken care of. He trusts you a lot and you need to see how heartbroken he looked when you walked out yesterday” Alex informed Daniel.

The brown-haired man sighed. He knew he had made a mistake by walking out. He needed to speak to the boy and soon. He groaned “You are right, I'll go check up on him once we are done here,” He said as he continued to flip through files, he was currently in his home office working.

“Here's another file, it came from the head of the stock department. The company is doing well so they want us to consider expanding.” Max interrupted their conversation.

“That sounds amazing! Does that mean that we are finally going to be able to move out of this house?” Adrian asked through his eyelashes. Daniel rolled his eyes at the twenty-three-year-old.

“Nope!” Daniel popped the 'p'. “at least not now, We are still trying to get Ethan settled in here right? Besides, we barely moved in here months ago. So chill” Adrian rolled his eyes.

“Speaking of Ethan,” Adrian Began. “He's slept in, isn't this gonna affect his sleep schedule?” Adrian said nonchalantly as he glanced at his watch, “It's almost 12:00 am”

Max yawned. Adrian looked away. Alex rolled his eyes at their antics “Fine!” he huffed “I'll go wake him up—”

“No, I'll do it. Besides Ethan and I need to talk” Daniel reminded Alex, who simply nodded. He closed all the tabs on his laptop and turned it off as he retreated out of the office to the room he shared with Ethan.

He walked in and took off his suit Jacket. He was still wearing it from when he had come from work and was met with the spectacle that occurred. He hurriedly went to shower and when he was done he walked over to the bed and sat down beside Ethan's small form. The boy was just so adorable. Daniel figured that Alex had probably changed the boy into his pajamas before putting him to sleep. That would be odd though, Alex should have known that was a early time to put someone to bed. He shrugged anyway and rubbed the boy's back, knowing fully well that it would be enough to wake him up.

Moments later, Ethan's baby blue eyes stared back at him, Daniel smiled. they had a lot to discuss.

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A new chapter will be up tomorrow!

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