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E P I S O D E  0 3 [√]p a g e  t h r e e  :  S A D L Y

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E P I S O D E  0 3 [√]
p a g e  t h r e e  :  S A D L Y

"oh? that's a surprise. where's takemichi?" aoi greeted. she found mikey alone, eating a fish-shaped dorayaki while sitting at the edge of the stage in the covered-court.

mikey's heart rammed against his chest but he made sure to keep a stoic face, impassively turning to the girl. "he's not here yet. probably late or something. do you need something?"

"oh, me? nah. just wanna say hi." she smiled brightly, too bright mikey inwardly covered his eyes. "and also wanna ask if you guys wanna have lunch with us?"

"hm?" mikey pretended to ponder, even though he'll end up agreeing. come on, it's not everyday your crush invites you to have lunch with them. "sure. but i'll ask ken-chin first. but he'll agree anyway. yeah sure. we'll meet you in front of your classroom."

"alright then! i'll see you later then!" the brunette waved at him happily before jogging towards her own group of friends.

not too long after when mitsuya showed up, taking the space where aoi was once standing. "well what a luck day." the boy low-key teases, his lips quirking up when he turned to the pitch black eyed male. "did you ask her or she asked you?"

"she asked me." mikey didn't have any second thoughts in answering the boy, eyes fixated on the dark blue eyed girl in a very dreamy way. "god was she so pretty when she's smiling." he fondly states, his cold aura changing into a soft, warm demeanor.

mitsuya scoffed playfully, eyes wandering around the court and the students chattering and playing whilst waiting for the morning ceremony to start.

his eyes caught a certain blond entering the court. alone and is walking towards his classmates. "takemichi's here. when are you planning to kick him out?" mitsuya asked.

mikey promptly turned to mitsuya before slowly turning to where the latter was looking, aggressively taking a bite of his now room-temperature dorayaki. "soon. we'll talk to him when training camp starts since the other gangs will be there."

"he'd feel humiliated if we call him out in front of the others. can't we just do it after training camp?" mitsuya frowns. "we don't have to embarrass him like that."

"nothing's more humiliating than him crying during a war." mikey coldly states, jumping off the stage and going towards the row where his own classmates are lined up, stopping and standing at the very back of the line.

mitsuya followed, face twisted concernedly, not really agreeing with mikey's plan. "plus!" he perked up when the shorter male turned to him abruptly. "he's just a member. nothing special. you did say it's better to remove him."

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