3: Prom Night

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When Zayn first started his freshman year, he was known as the boy who talked and joked about sex all the time. But the thing was, no one had known if he actually ever had sex or not. They were only guessing.

But in his senior year, his reputation had changed. Now that he'd had sex with multiple students, those students started to talk and word started to spread. Zayn Malik was not a virgin. And not only was he not a virgin, he'd gotten around pretty often too.

Despite being here for four years, no one ever saw Zayn date publicly. That's because he never wanted to date publicly. He liked the idea of options. That's why he never actually dated any of the students he had sex with. Besides, who would have slept with him if they knew he was in a steady relationship with someone? Very few, if any.

But the truth is having sex with someone without being in a relationship with them only worked with people who were desperate to sleep with him or had always wanted a taste of him. Harry Styles was not like that at all.

Zayn knew that Harry liked him not as someone to have sex with and never see again but as someone to spend time with and really get to know. So in order to get what he wanted from him, he couldn't treat him as someone he wanted to stick his dick inside of and leave. He had to treat him like he wanted him long term. Even if it was just a highschool relationship.

So he did.

Zayn was the only one of the two who had a car. So from then on after he asked him to prom, Harry didn't have to take the bus anymore. Zayn drove him back and forth and even stayed late whenever Harry had school related activities. He called him almost every night, made sure to tell him he was generous and beautiful often and he made it official on social media with a photo of them sharing a kiss. The whole school knew they were together.

That's when Zayn realized going this route was the best decision for his plan. As a person who was known for sleeping around, to have this be his first public relationship would obviously make Harry feel special. And Zayn knew firsthand what he could get from these students if he just made them feel special for a period of time.

So came prom night in early April on an evening when the weather was threatening rain. Zayn had picked Harry up and brought him early so he could get everything ready before the attendees arrived. But it also allowed them to take their prom photos together without having to wait in a line. Harry looked so nice in his tuxedo and Zayn could tell he was happy he had someone to go with after all.

Therefore, whether Harry had high expectations for the night or not, Zayn wanted it to be one to remember. So even though they didn't really get a chance to actually dance until after everyone had eaten and most people were taking a break from dancing, Zayn still danced as animated as he could, making what was left of the atmosphere on the dancefloor more lively. That is until Harry got tired and Zayn offered him some quiet time away from the people and noise.

That's why they went outside and sat on the benches in front of the venue so they could look up at the stars.

"We haven't been away from loud music since we got here. It almost feels weird that music isn't blasting in my ears."

Harry leaned on Zayn's shoulder.

"Yeah. I know."

"Sorry we couldn't do more together."

"It's still been a great night though."


"Yeah. I'm glad you asked me to go. I mean I was going anyway because of the work I had to do for it but... not to have fun. But I had fun."

Zayn put an arm around him.

"Well, I'm glad. The way I see it, you can't wear an expensive tuxedo and not have someone special to admire you in it."

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