12: Birthday Surprise

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"Happy birthday to you. Happy birthday to you. Happy birthday dear, Boyfriend. Happy birthday to you."

Zayn sat back in his office chair, all grins as Louis sat a cupcake with white icing and a lit candle on the desk in front on him.

"You remembered?"

"Of course I remembered, babe. You're my boyfriend. Unlike you, who spent Christmas Eve, A.K.A. my birthay, doing who knows what."

"Oh shit. I didn't know that was your birthday."

"It's okay. I didn't want to bother you. It's unfortunate to be born so close to Christmas. Most people are busy spending time with family and such, which they should be. At least I know I'll always be with my family. Anyway today is your birthday. So make a wish."

"A wish?"

"Yes. Make a wish. And wish for something you really want.

He thought for a moment. But the thought that came to his mind made him ashamed. It was a good thing Louis couldn't read his thoughts right now. So he quickly blew out the candle.

"There. Wish made."


As Zayn took out the candle and peeled back the paper, Louis came around and stood behind him. Then he started to give him a shoulder massage.

"I don't know what you wished, but I sure hope you wished for a special birthday surprise."

"Birthday suprise?" He asked as he bit the cupcake.

He leaned down to his ear. "Yes. We've been together over a month now, I think it's time. And if you want a birthday surprise- you know... one that requires me to be... very naked, then I'm okay with that."

Zayn froze.

"Uh... I don't know.... about that."

"You don't?"

"I didn't wish for that."

"Why not? I know you've thought about it."

Truthfully, Zayn hadn't. He spent so much time going back and forth to visit his son that he just hadn't thought about true intimacy with Louis outside of the dates they'd been on.

"It's not too soon to you?"

Louis chuckled.

"No. If it was too soon, I wouldn't be asking you about it, now would I?"

He sat the cupcake down. Suddenly he didn't want it anymore.

"No. I guess not."

"Exactly. So if you're afraid that I wasn't ready, you don't have to worry about that anymore."

"I wasn't afraid you weren't ready."

"You weren't?"

"No. And... don't be upset but it's me who isn't ready. I'm just not ready to have sex yet."


Then he gasped.


Zayn raised his brow. Why did he say it like that?

"Why'd you say it like that?"

Louis whispered. "I mean I knew you never dated before but I didn't know you were a virgin."


"It's okay. I've been with a virgin before. It isn't my first time. You don't have to be self conscious about it. It's normal."

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