Xmas Minis 2: Alexander wrapping gifts

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Catherine: Alexander! 

Alexander: yes?

Catherine: I need you to finish wrapping all these gifts for the girls and Ben and Mike!

Alexander: Ben and Mike? They aren't our kids!

Catherine: They are coming for Christmas! I told you ten minutes ago! Did you already forget?!

Alexander: Um... No. Not. I'll get on those gifts right away!

Catherine: good.

*Alexander walks into the bedroom where he sees four piles of unwrapped gifts. Each pile has a little label in front of it saying Ben, Erica, Mike, or Trixie.*

Alexander: what about me??? I wanted gifts too! *gasps* I have an idea!!!!!!


*Christmas morning. The Hales, Ben, and Mike are all sitting under a tree.*

Trixie: me first! 

*she picks up a gift and looks at it skeptically.*

Trixie: Why is it wrapped in fabric? And-

*cut off by Catherine screaming*


Alexander: I ran out of wrapping paper!

*Trixie unwraps the gift.*

Trixie: dad, why are you giving me your socks?

Alexander: OKAY! TIME FOR ME!!!!

*he grabs a large pile of gifts and starts unwrapping*

Catherine: I thought I bought that knife for Erica... and that dart gun for Mike... ALEXANDER HALE!!!

Alexander: so many gifts! you shouldn't have!

Catherine: I didn't!

*Ben unwraps a gift and gasps*


Alexander: I may have "accidentally" grabbed some of the laundries while I was switching out the gifts and wrapped them. OOPS! I DIDN'T DO ANY OF THAT!!!!

Erica: GOD DAD! *grabs the underwear from ben* Those are mine! 

*Mike and Trixie snicker*

Catherine: Well, that's the last time Alexander is wrapping gifts!!!!

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