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Disclaimer: Penthouse story and characters are not mines. I'm just a big SeokRona fan who still can't move on from them. ( ꈍᴗꈍ)

Welcome to another story of mine. I wish you never get bored with me as besides this story, I still have the intention to upload another story.

Anyway, this idea came out after I reread my drafts for Between Scenes and it's mostly about what happened in season 1. So while I tried to finish those, it brought me again to how Rona and Yoonhee suffered through season 1 (They suffered for the whole three seasons!). And that's why I write this. I hope you'll enjoy this story.

As usual, please forgive grammar mistakes and typos. (^_^)



They lay under the same blanket after completing activities as a form of expressing their longing for each other. She leaned against her loved one's bare chest, three weeks of not seeing each other because of their respective schedules made her not want to let go of him. Neither was he who hugged her tightly. His left hand played with her hair and his right hand held her hand that was above his chest. The moonlight could be seen peeking through the curtains of the room they were in.

"You said you were going to be here for how long?" He asked her without stopping playing with her hair.

"Two days, I'll stay for two days. After that, I will leave for Bucharest."

"So we only have two days? That's a very short time, I still miss you." Her lover buried his head in her hair.

She just smiled at his behaviour. Their long-distance relationship forces them to share time not only between their busy schedules but also the distance that separates them. Geographically, Austria and Italy are neighbouring countries but the location of her in Milan and her boyfriend in Vienna still takes at least twelve hours by train. That makes them share their time with whoever has free time, they'll be the one who approaches others. Furthermore, if they have a schedule in a place that is closer to the others. Like two days from now, she will be having a recital in Bucharest and it's closer to Vienna so she'll be leaving from Vienna and returning to Vienna. 

And with their status that had risen to a higher level, making them also share their living quarters in their respective cities. Her house in Milan was also her boyfriend's house, and her boyfriend's house in Vienna was now her home so they could go in and out without a barrier.

"This ring is so pretty, it fits perfectly on your finger, miss." She saw the ring on her ring finger was twisted by her lover, she lifted her head to look at his face.

"Someone gave it to me, asking me to make him my fiancé." She smiled teasingly at him.

"Oh, so you already have a fiancé? He must be very handsome because you must have great taste." Her boyfriend teased her back.

"I don't know, maybe I just don't have a choice. He's been chasing me since high school."

"Hey!" Her body felt like it was being nudged slowly by him. She could only laugh at his 'angry' behaviour.

"I wasn't always chasing you."

"Tch, just admit it. You can't lie to me. After all, you only look at me."

"Who said that? I can lie to you." She saw her lover challenge her.

"Oh yeah? Tell me one lie then!" She watched her lover staring at the ceiling before looking up at her, giving her a sly smile, looking like he's ready to tease her. His face approached hers, and he whispered.

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