Ch 16. The Bigbang, The Birth of a New Star

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Disclaimer: The Penthouse story and characters are not mine. I'm just a big SeokRona fan who still can't move on from Penthouse. ( ꈍᴗꈍ)

One of my many plans for this story is to write about the characters doing Les Miserables. In the early idea, I wanted to write this as a joint performance between Haneul and Cheong A, but later on, I don't know if I will write about it or not. So I suppose I am writing this earlier than I planned before. I'm afraid that I might not write this at all if I'm not doing this. And I gave you a glimpse of one of my inspirations. I put the link.

It's a long chapter and please bear with the typos and grammar errors. I hope you enjoy this new chapter (^_^)



"Rona, wait! This is for you." Rona turned to her mother who stopped her from getting out of the car. Then she saw her mother handing her a lunch box. This scene is like deja vu. Her memory returned to the time when her mother gave her a lunch box before she left for the Cheong A festival. The difference was at that time she was at Hera Palace, now she was in her mother's car. Even so, the box and its contents were very similar.

"Rona?" She lifted her head from looking at the lunch box and looked at her mother again. She could see a confused expression appear on her mother's face. Maybe she was wondering why she became silent without any comments, not even a thank you said by her.

"Thank you, omma." She gave a smile.

"Not a problem! Anyway, I'll come late tonight, maybe just before the show starts since I'll be busy today." Her mother said with disappointment.

"No worries. Coinciding with the opening stage is also fine with me."

"Are you saying that sincerely or are you being sarcastic?" 

She laughed out loud when she saw her mother narrow her eyes suspiciously.  "I'm being sincere."

"Alright then, see you tonight. Remember not to be nervous. You can do it!" Her mother's hands made an encouraging gesture.

Rona just smiled and shook her head at her mother's behaviour before her hand opened the car door and got out of the car. "Drive carefully."

"Tch, who exactly is the adult one? Why does she look relaxed while I'm the nervous one?" Rona could hear her mother's mumblings as she closed the car door again.

"I'm going!" 

She replied to her mother's words with a nod. A moment later her mother's car pulled away from the school gate. She stared at the car until it disappeared around the corner before she looked back at the lunch box her mother had given her. She was confused when she saw it, why did she still have these memories?

"Hey!" A sound accompanied by a tap on her shoulder interrupted her thoughts.

"Oh Taein-ah."

"What are you doing standing alone staring at the lunch box in front of the school gate?" Taein got off his bike and stood next to her.

"Oh, nothing." She then turned around and walked ahead of her friend into the school.

"Hey, you lack manners! Leaving people alone while talking to you." She could hear Taein grumbling behind her as she smiled contentedly.

"Rona!!! Taein!" Jeongse stopped his bike beside Taein with a smirk.

"Erase that smirk from your face! It's so ugly." Taein rubbed Jeongse's face roughly, which instantly received a shout of disapproval from the cute-faced man before responding with the same treatment at Taein. Rona just shook her head at the behaviour of her two friends.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 21 ⏰

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