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Princess Maximilliene’s other companion Adrienne Cecil Demetrieff had the opposite life as with Maximilliene and Cornelia. She was never rejected nor unloved by any of her family. She basked in appreciation and in turn did her best to present how a perfect daughter she is to the Demetrieff. The entire world congratulated Chancellor Ryland and Princess Catherine for raising such a child. Her love and friendship are her tools to gain people’s trust and her wit makes her impossible to be out of place.

      One day, though, her perfect life was about to change. Her controlled world had one small chip. She was already companion to Princess Maximilliene then. Once, her parents took her to a gathering of the nobility of Cardinia. Her older sister, Anne Elektra has just been sent off to a foreign boarding school. The gathering was the wake of the late 1st Baron Ravencourt, Sir Thomas Emile Ravenhurst, and the Demetrieffs being connected to the Ravenhurst through Princess Catherine whose mother was a Ravenhurst as a maiden.

Some people said the baron’s wish to be reunited with his long past dead wife, Amilia Fredericka, must have sped his demise. He just went to sleep one night and never awoke. Mostly, everyone pitied the baron’s two sons, now orphaned by both their parents. The oldest, Kraven Leon, by way of inheritance carries the title 2nd Baron Ravencourt, a heavy burden for a boy of 14. But then Kraven was never childish. His younger brother, Claude Leon, 12, was sent to their relatives abroad for his young mind could still not accept the loss of their kind and soft-hearted father.

      “Come Cecil; let us leave your father with his associates.” With a smile Princess Catherine extracted herself and her child gracefully, from the people who have come to converse with her husband.

      “Mama, I want to see the dead.” Cecil said.

      “But darling, you will have nightmares. I will not let you.”

      “But mama, you let me view Samos Coltrain’s hearse right? I didn’t have nightmares then. Please, you could hold my hand so that I won’t be afraid.”

      The princess knowing how mature this child thinks consented. She took her hand and led her to the coffin.

      “They said he looks so peaceful.” Cecil said.

      “Yes, he does.” Someone behind them said. The princess turned and Cecil followed.  “Forgive me for the interruption Princess Catherine, but I could not help but overhear.”

      “It is alright Baron.” The princess answered. Cecil silently studied the boy in front of her and saw eyes–a stunning clear ocean blue. His hair was purplish red.

      “This is my daughter, Adrienne Cecil, Cecil this is the 2nd Baron Ravencourt, Sir Kraven Leon.” Princess Catherine said. Automatically Cecil curtsied and the baron bowed.

      “I wanted to see your father. I heard he looks like he was just sleeping.” Cecil said directly. Her mother was shocked by her words.

      “Forgive me baron; my daughter sometimes is very outspoken.” Princess Catherine motioned.

      Kraven merely smiled and inclined his head. “There is no need for formalities, after all we are cousins, aren’t I correct aunt?” He flashed a small smile. “Am I allowed to call you that Your Highness, Aunt?”

      “Of course Kraven, your father and I are cousins, on my mother’s side that is.”

      “I didn’t know that.’ Cecil said in an amused way, she beamed a small smile at Kraven and took his hand. “I am so pleased to meet you cousin Kraven. I offer you and your brother my sympathies. I would have wanted to meet your father.”

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