Chapter 7: A "Professional" Dinner

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(Heads up! This chapter was written a long time after the previous 6. So, there is an improvement in writing! Thank you for reading!)

Diluc woke up happier than usual. Well... not much of a difference than usual, but happy enough. While usually, he wore his poker face to the tavern, today he had a subtle smile.

The day went about as usual, a few patrons trickling in during the daytime. The clock was ticking towards 8:PM. Diluc had finished kicking Venti out of the Tavern as he usually did. And now he had to close up the Tavern.

"Charles, do you mind closing up the Tavern tonight? I have personal matters to deal with."

"Sure thing Master Diluc." The bartender said, waving to Diluc.

As Diluc headed out of the tavern he went over to the floral shop that was about to close to get Jean flowers but went back and forth on whether to get them or not.

"Maybe it's too much, but it'd be a nice thing to do, hmm-"

"I-is there anything you n-need in particular Master Diluc?" The flower girl said. Looking as if her mind was somewhere else.

"Oh, ahem, yes. I need a bouquet of flowers. Please add dandelions in it." Diluc said as he watched Donna's face turn to one that's confused.

"Who's the l-lucky girl?" She asked as she began preparing the bouquet. She seemed to wear a frown.

"It's nothing of that sort. I'm just getting her flowers as a formality." Diluc said, sighing.

The thing was, he wasn't. He wanted these flowers to mean something else but a formality to Jean.

"Ah, I-I see. Which wrap would you like with your b-bouquet?" Donna asked, trying to lift her seemingly solemn mood. "The... blue one. With a white lace around it please." Diluc asked, thinking of Jean's beautiful eyes.

Once he had paid Donna generously and went off to pick Jean up, he thought for a second. What if he doesn't look ready? He should've changed, he'd probably reeked of alcohol. He stood in front of the headquarters, nervously. Before he went in, he heard someone call his name.

"Master Diluc, now why are you here so late?" It was Kaeya. Diluc grunted and sighed, composing himself.

"None of your business, Kaeya." He pronounced Kaeya's name in a slightly rude manner.

"Oh, how blunt. Here to meet Jean I'm guessing?" Kaeya leaned against the wall, flipping a coin.

"Yes, now do you need anything so I can be left alone?" Diluc crossed his arms.

"No, but you're meeting Jean with your normal clothes?"

"Why? What's wrong with them?"

"I heard Jean is getting heavily prepared for your meeting, and all you've got are some flowers and the smell of alcohol." Kaeya grinned.

Goddamnit. Diluc realized he didn't have anything else to wear.

"You're lucky I'm basically the same size as you," Kaeya said without context and went off. Diluc grunted. What was he gonna do?

"This is a miracle, The Jean Gunnhildr is taking time off!" Lisa yelled out in a dramatic tone of voice while spreading her arms out.

"Lisa, it's simply a meeting and I can't run late to it." Jean giggled.

"Alright then enjoy your little date," Lisa said, smugly.

"Lisa! It's not a date, it's a professional dinner between two good friends." Jean corrected.

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