Our Commitment

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Glancing beside him, he discovers his wife comfortably huddled up in a pile of blankets. "Sleep well, Chi-Chi." He hums. Stepping out of bed, he stretches and yawns. He didn't enjoy getting up for farm work, but it was what it was.

Leaning over, he tucks his wife in, seeing that she was shivering for some reason. Leaving her in bed, he gets dressed and makes his way outside. All being on his mind that he was doing this for the people who mattered most to him. They meant everything to him; it had been partially why he came back.

Stepping into the cold, he rubs his hands together. "Wooo! It's chilly out...now to check on the crops..." He mumbles aloud.

Wandering to their shed, he takes a shovel and heads to the field. Already the vegetables had lost their tops. With it only being December, they had quite a ways to go till these crops were ready to sell. However, they tended to sell higher than their summer crops due to the flavor. He didn't understand the science behind it. Still, Gohan told him it was something due to the starches converting into sugars, making them sweeter. Gohan never did cease to amaze him. How they managed to have such an intelligent boy, well, he'd credit that to Chi-Chi. It wasn't on his end.

Having his alarm set off, Goku claps his hands, ecstatic for breakfast! It was something he always looked forward to, especially when it was his wife's cooking.

Thinking about her cooking already had him salivating! She was the best cook out there that he knew, and best yet, she did it all for them! He didn't ask her to cook the way she did. Yet, she did it out of love. There had been numerous times when she complained about how much they ate and the cost of feeding them. That wasn't something that could be helped! He couldn't change how his DNA worked! Vegeta and Trunks did the same thing! Though, he had no idea about how Pan and Bra would be. He wouldn't believe they would be different cause they were girls. Chi-Chi had grown an appetite living with them too. Unlike any other person he knew, like Bulma that didn't work out as they did, she didn't gain anything. She had complained about her stretch marks and body changing because of Goten, or that's what she said.

Walking in, Goku calls out for his wife, ready for her to greet him with a feast. "Chi-Chi! I'm back!"

Smelling nothing, he glances around their kitchen. There was nothing. This wasn't like Chi-Chi, and he was so hungry too. It was what he had been using to push himself forward the last couple of hours!

"Chi-Chi, ya alright?"

Able to sense her ki, he strides toward their bedroom. It was there, but it was weaker than usual. As far as he knew, nobody had snuck in. He wouldn't have allowed it and his ki sensing abilities; well, they were keen on sensing anything off. There were numerous times he had used it too as an excuse to be intimate with his wife out in the open. She didn't appreciate him bringing that up, similar to being blunt during their sex. He couldn't help that he said immediately what popped into his mind, that woman drove him crazy!

Stepping into their room, he peeks in, finding her still in bed.


Slipping off his boots, he crawls into bed with her. Slipping his hand under her petite frame, he pecks her cheek.

She was warm - strange. Resting a hand against her forehead, the husband moves her bangs out of her face - she was burning.

"Mom! Dad! What are ya doing? I have to go to school soon and there's nothing on the table!" Goten interrupts, slamming the door open. He didn't care the slightest about what his parents had going on; he wasn't going to wait for them to decide later to feed him when it was too late!

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