Chapter 1: Island and Inko

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Izuku clips on the kevlar vest securely on himself, tightening the straps to ensure it was fit to his body. This was to be Izuku's first mission since the two weeks he's been gone, the sense of duty surging through him as he geared up.

It was decided to wait until dawn to commence the mission, scouting the area just before day break. It being in the winter months, the sun doesn't rise until well past seven.

Ada: So, Izuku.

The greenette turned to face Ada, the asian woman having on a more sleek outfit that didn't have any kevlar or military gear on her. She was dressed in lightweight clothes, possibly for free-range movement.

Ada: What's your little number on hot-shot sniper?

The woman teased, slipping gloves on before checking her equipment, consisting of a collapsable crossbow, a compact machine pistol and her signature tool, her grappling hook.

Izuku: I believe that's private, Ada.

Izuku comments back but he smiled all the same, getting a gun holster around his thigh before inserting a pistol into it. He then checked his main gun, a lightweight rifle, to see of it checked out.

Leon: They are closer in age, I wouldn't be surprised.

Ada: I mean, he did take Hunnigan's headset, you don't do that unless you have a death wish.

Izuku: Har, har. Let's go.

Leon chuckles as he finishes his preparations, two high-calibre pistols, a knife and a compact rifle. Once the three were ready, they made their way to the hanger, Chris and Piers waiting for them.

Chris: Good. For this mission, we'll have you transported via helicopter to a shoreline close to Hashima Island. From there, you will have jet skies provided and approach from the south-east side, the least amount of activity occurs in that area of the island.

Piers: I'll be accompanying you three and position myself atop of a vantage point. This shouldn't take more than an hour, two tops if complications persists.

Chris: Hunnigan will keep you four linked with coms. Remember, this is merely a scout and asses mission, do not engage hostiles unless absolutely necessary. Alright, let's move out!

The four boarded the chopper that would transport them to the shoreline of their destination.


Time: 9:15

Class 1-A were bummed out. There was this dull filter that hung in the air, heavily starching the atmosphere with a sense of loss and shame. Without Izuku, the one that managed to bring a smile to everyone's faces, the classes just feel like there was no bright positivity anymore.

Mina: It's so...

Denki: Dull...

Ochako had tears in her eyes. The first friend she made here at U.A, who saved her from being crushed, left because they all turned their back on him. Tenya was the same, his hands gripped in a fist as he mentally tortures himself with guilt, he would be dead if not for Izuku yet he turned his back on him.

Strangely enough, the one most affected was Bakugou. At first, he was more than happy to have his biggest competition and threat of taking Number one away gone from school. But after a couple days, he felt this void of sorts settle in his chest... there wasn't anything to drive him forward, to go beyond.

Bakugou felt unmotivated.

Aizawa however, was in a perpetual state of annoyance, seeing how weak his class is becoming due to their own faults.

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