Chapter 2: Raid and Return to UA

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Author: Ok! Been a long time coming for this chapter!


Izuku was, quite frankly, bored out of his mind. He was currently on standby should something wrong occur during the raid on the Island. He sat at the terminal, watching over the feed on the monitors as he fidgets with a butterfly knife in his right hand. 

With nothing to do but observe, his mind began to wander. The incident, while small and contained, still made him nervous. Izuku was no fool, he knew that no incident stayed small forever, despite the efforts made by the BSAA. Plus... whoever Patient Zero was, the clean up crew wasn't able to find any on the bodies recovered.

Izuku: Someone had the nerve to attack Musutafu... used the T-Virus and endangered those people, including my mother.

The thought alone made Izuku grip the handle of his butterfly knife tighter. The virus isn't airborne, no traces of it being found in the water irrigation system in the building nor in the food.

Ada: Earth to Izuku, do you copy?

Blinking, Izuku looked over at Ada who was handing him a steaming cup of coffee. Thanking the agent, he took it and sat up more prominently in the chair.

Ada: You know, you can't let it eat you up - the incident and your mother. She's fine and handled herself quite nicely.

Izuku chuckled, remembering just as well with how Inko dispatched the undead.

Izuku: Don't I know it? But what bothered me so much is how the Virus was even in the building. No Patient Zero, no traces of it anywhere.

Ada: One of the bodies had syringe markings on it's arm. Quite a few actually.

Izuku: A user?

Ada: Probably. Got the wrong thing handed to him - by no means accidental I'm sure.

Ada comments as she sipped the coffee. She looked at the monitor, watching the raid go down, which was pretty pathetic since those on the island was taken off guard.

Ada: You'd think those island researchers would be better equipped to handle a raid.

Izuku: On a scale this big? Probably not, unless they got some big beastie there.

Ada: So, another Thursday?

Izuku: Eh, maybe a Wednesday.

Izuku quipped back, Ada chuckled as they watched it all go down, even commenting on some of the takedowns the main agents deal.

Izuku choked on his coffee as he saw Captain Redfield literally punch a man through a concrete wall.

Izuku: No matter how many times I see it, how does Chris do that?

Ada: You're asking the million-dollar question. I wonder that myself. Before you ask, yes I know he isn't a B.O.W or taking any enhancement drugs - saw his medical files.

Izuku: S-So he's just that strong naturally?

Ada: That's the gist of it.

Izuku sighed, both amazed and perplexed about how strong his captain was. He then turned away from the monitors, swivelling in his chair and standing up.

Izuku: So, we have a couple important choices now while they clear up the place.

Izuku said, checking the time and spotting how late into the evening it was now.

Ada: Pizza or Burgers?

Izuku: Burgers.


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⏰ Last updated: Jul 29, 2023 ⏰

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