New Years Special Cross Over!

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This chapter is a special chapter with no actually meaningful plot but a thank you for reading Thinking of you and Unmasked! Merry Christmas and Happy New year! To Read Bliss's POV of the chapter Check out my other finished book Thinking Of You (Sapnap x Oc)!

Why does he want me to come over so early? The party doesn't start until 10pm yet with my drive to his place I will arrive at 11am that's almost 12 hours like I know he's my boyfriend and I love him but damn how clingy does he need to be?

I pull up in the drive way, I notice a car parked on the road in front of their yard... I have no idea who's car it is but I have a bad feeling...

I search my bag trying to find the house keys Dream had made for me, I know it's in here somewhere. I know I can just smash on the door until one of the two idiots open the door but like why be a pin when I have an easier option.

Finally pulling the key chain out I get out of my car and walk over to the front door unlocking it, my legs are quickly attacked with licks my patches but I ain't complaining.

"Sorry Patches, Roky didn't come today... I'll set up a play date soon" I saw as I kneel down to pat the adorable fluff ball, I give a quick head kiss before going to find my lover boy. He's probably playing Minecraft or like editing something... that or having date time with Georgie. I swing his office door open to see a small blonde child sitting in dream's chair... dude wtf... no way... he cannot be... imma request an explanation and DNA test.. wait if there is a child and strange car... means strang mother of the blonde boy...

I storm into dreams room to see my boyfriend without a shirt on and to hear the shower going in the bathroom. For fuck sake like if your gonna have a secret wife and child at least don't invite your girlfriend over at the same time like that's step one of having a double life.

"What the fuck clay? Who the fuck is the kid in the other room huh?" I angrily screech at him.

"Hi?" He looks shocked.

"You have a kid huh?" I don't know if I'm annoyed he didn't tell me or that he invite the kid here at the same time as me.

"Emma..." he stutters in shock.

"Don't Emma me! DNA test here and now!" I grind my teeth, New Year's Eve is already sucking ass but now a girl with wet hair is walking out of his bathroom... I'm so ready to slap a bitch...

"Who the fuck is she? Ya got something to tell me shrek looking idiot? Why is a girl walking out of ya bathroom?" I am ready to fight for my man, like it took us a long time to get together and I ain't letting some random girl get between us lmao.

"Emma it isn't like that I swear" Clay looks worried as be begs me to believe him.

"Girl he is a taken man, don't know what witchcraft you used but shop cause I ain't giving him up that easily" I say as I take a better look at this black haired bimbo... okay that's a bit mean she is really pretty but agh am I in the wrong for getting in the way of a family... I just really love Clay and I don't want to have to stop being with him.

"Va a please help me, she thinks rusty is my son" he whimpers... wait so I am over reacting...

"I'm not sleeping with your boyfriend I swear to god and the adorable blonde kid is my son rusty, Dream isn't the father" she smiles as she starts to explain, thank god... OMG WAIT HER VOICE!

"Omg your Australian! I love your accent! WAIT that doesn't explain why you are here or in his bathroom!" I feel so bad like honestly I verbally attacked a stranger, didn't trust my boyfriend and am an utter idiot.

"Wait Dream you and Nick didn't tell her who I am? God, I get told all about her but y'all didn't even mention me... yeh nah anyway I'm Nirvana or Bliss and I'm nick's girlfriend" she smiles and honestly I feel all my worries lift off my shoulder.

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