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"She still not out her room yet?" Titan asks coming from the backyard after playing one on one basketball with Bronx, everyone was in the kitchen except Mona

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"She still not out her room yet?" Titan asks coming from the backyard after playing one on one basketball with Bronx, everyone was in the kitchen except Mona.

"No cause she scared Krue gone upper cut her again." Carter said raising both of his hands indicating Titan to throw him the ball.

"I'm not gone touch that girl." Krue said shaking her head.

"But you slapped her like she owned you some money 2 days ago?"

"I did it because I was angry at her." Krue said. "I still am.. but I'm not finna sit there and beat the shit out of her because at the end of the day I'm just her sister, not her parent. So if momma don't wanna discipline her how she should then that's on her. My teenage years are done and I'm a grown ass adult. So she can come down here and do whatever and I won't do shit because I love her. She'll learn on her own one day."

"Momma took her phone and her laptop  so now she up there staring at 4 walls." Carter and Roman started laughing with each other. "Did she go through it?" Bronx asked looking at Krue and Titan.

If Stephanie knew something she would most definitely be the first to tell either Krue or Titan since they are her first two oldest after all. Even though her and Bronx are twins, Krue was the oldest by 10 minutes. They were also the most maturest out of their other younger siblings in serious situations.

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