can i call you babe ?

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"you smell like lavender " he said

"and you smell like cofee" i said 

"if you dont stop being this much perfect . swear to god i cant controll myself " 

"lin... you dont think its too much early ? "  i ask worried and i look back to face him 

"i mean in less than a month we bacome a lovers from strangers ... " 

"shhhhh . i wait  for you more than  17 years , i almost lost you , but now look at us . look around its not me and you stuff i can said *us* right now " he siad quietly

"my family .... " my family hate the art . they hate any type of feeling . they only think about money 

they send me to london for law . cause law have good money 

they show me some rich boy . and they want me to marry rich . my brother alex he follow his heart and gusse what ? my parents dont even talk to him and even meet his son , from the start my father dont like lin ...

he think lin is silly rude guy . he alway tell me he have better plan for my life and he dont let me and lin be friend or anything with each othe cause lin make my brain dirty :/

thats why i alway ran from my family , i save lins number in my phone , but just a second before fly to london my father take my phone and give new one to me . to dont have a relationship to my old friends now i just affraid if they get to know about me and lin , what they do ? i scared they broke lin heart 

"i know they hate me " he said

"you know what ? im 36 or more! they cant just tell me what to do ! i have my own life !!" ," my brave girl " he said  

i kiss his lips gently and put my hand over his shoulder , he take my waist and put me on the kitchen wooden table 

"pasta, are food " i said hardly beetween kisses "Our pasta is burning" i said as i try to Separate myself

I was finally able to put it aside and turn off the stoveOur food was ready, I put it in two plates and put it on the table. I lit a candle and opened my hair that I had tied over my head and sat downLin poured two glasses of wine and sat down on the other side of the table and gently took my hand

 he satred eat and loo at me with smile 

"its really yummy !  you can really cook babe  " babe? i blushed , he just call me babe omg omg omg

"i really happy that you like it " i said shyly 

after minute we finally finish are food 

"okay you know what time is it?"  ,"sleep ? " 

"babe ! something more ! " 

he take my hand and leading me to his bedroom 

"something more ... "

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