i have a idea

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"good morning bubble tea " i hear lin sound from near i look back and saw him in my bed . well his own bed 

"hola sir . finally you sleep at your own fucking bed "  he laugh

"i have two news for you ! a bad and a good " he said as he was look at me with smile 

"what is the bad one ? " is ask "well for my work and project im leave london sooner . well maybe next week  

he was going to leave me ! silly y/n ! you dont have a any chance at anything! "

"and a good one!!! at this one left week im gonne take yu everywhere and spend all of my time with my bubble tea !!! cause im gonne miss you ! "

i shooked my head and kiss his cheak  he smile at me anf we both jump out of bed for his surprised for today  

lin pov 

im gonna leave london sooner . im gonna leave her again . so now before leaving i have a idea 

spend time with him make her happy and before leave the london, im gonna tell her to come with me and like a date request , this is a plan THIS IS A PLAN 

" lin ! lin where are you taking me ? " she asked

"okay so with little search about you i undrestand that you love country music rightt ? " "right"   "fantastiic ! so i bouth you a ticket for one of concert of country music  in london  "

i take a ticket out of my pocket and show her

"JOHN LEGEND ??????" lin its not a country music . is one of the biggest !!!! oh my fucking god " she huged me and then look at me and laugh "JOHN LEGEND ? HOLY DAMN " she said again i laugh too "but before legend concert ! we gonne go another place ! "   "where ???????" she asked 

"you gonne find out " i said as i take her hand and heading she to one of biggest library  in london "

"welcome to book land . bubble tea " i  wispear 

y/n pov 

he take me to the biggest library i ever seen lots  of books about everything lots of wooden chair and table for reading stuff all of the chair was almost full exept one , one little chair and table near of window two cup of cofee was on the table and  a little paper one a table : Reserve 

he take me to the biggest library i ever seen lots  of books about everything lots of wooden chair and table for reading stuff all of the chair was almost full exept one , one little chair and table near of window two cup of cofee was on the table...

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(this is their place :)) 

he take out chair and let me seat then he seat in front of me 

"here is really pretty " . " yes it is " he said

i stand up for search the books after a minute i hear lin sound from behind 

"look at this one " and give me a book . HAMILTON THE REVOULOTION  ,hamilton ? 

i open the first page  and saw lins picture on it . his picture in a first page !!his name was on it i only look at him  and look at book again i was just like a proud mom 

i hug him and start read the book  we both stay in silent i can feel he was looking at me . i can feel his eyes on me he was so sweet  and nice . i dont want to leave him again !

after a hour we left there and come back home for getting ready of concert 

"y/n you have dress for tonight ?" he asked   "yes" 

"from where ??? you buy ? " he asked with chuckel 

" lin umm i forgot to tell you something ! " 

"what is it ? " he asked  "aaron , send all of my dress  to your addres  " 

"from where he get to know my addres ? "  he said seriously 

"i gave him "  . "silly girl ! " he said angry 

"lin im sorry to give him your addres " 

" no problem . im going to shower get ready "  " okay " i said quietly 

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