little bit smut hehe

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you guy dont know how much im shamefull for this part 

"something more " hi voice was deep and pretty nasty 

"what you mean  " i said again he come closer to me " i mean " 

"shhh show me , not just talk " i said  .  he accept and look at me with smirk 

"okay ... " he said as he take my hand and came closer to me we were just a second far from each other his warm breath was touching my needy lips . he look at my  eyes . i look right into his eyes too 

his dark and romantic  eyes . just god know how much i like to kiss him . nothing after this night gonne be the same , we not gonna be a old friends and latley new gf and bf . now we gonna be like lovers , like couples

am i ready for this change? yes , yes i am , i am ready to jump into a sea full of shark for him uh love is a bad thing

"okay boy genius we only want to look at each other? " i said as i touch his neck slowley 

and start to unbottom his  shirt , his look at me and smile i coudnt controll myself and start to laugh he was look confused 

"am i look funny ? " " no for sure! i just . i mean . if somone tell me you gonna do this month ago . i probley said : shut uppppppp . but here i am " i said n middle of my laugh

" you know you are not good at sexual actions right? we should be on round two if we just do it like others . " he said and start laughing

"okay okay lets be serious " i said as i try to be serious and hot but i start laugh harder

my laugh make lin laugh aand i think we just laugh over 2 minute

" i cant lin . i cant be romantic partner i could be a silly bff " i said as i cry from laugh 

"y/n you know what ? imagine it is a show  " lin said as he laugh "my role is doing something . and you should act like something" 

"okay ! lets start the show " i said and smile at him 

"show start with costume ! but are costume is being naked " 

"sex the musical ! how many tony  gonna win ? " i said as i take his shirt off

he laugh and unwrapp my dress and kiss my shoulder

my smile ends . i just enjoy the moment 

im gonna write complete smut for you guys someday but not now its hard thanks

okay so we do some dirty things last night and now im sleep into lins arms . naked he is playing with my hair and kiss my head 

" love you my little girl " he said 

" i love you too . d d daddy? " 

"i like this one ! " he said and laugh 

his skin was soft and warm My breasts were attached to his body and And my thighs hit his dick . honestly his dick was still little wet he was Insatiable.

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