Chapter Fifty-Five

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Michael POV

I went to the great hall as fast as I could just to get my sister something

She needs to eat something

When I got there, I sat down quickly

People were taking so long

I got up

"Mike where you going?" Pansy said

"To the kitchen." I said

"Alright." She said

I went to the Hogwarts kitchen and looked around for Y/N's favorite snacks

There wasn't a lot but I grabbed a few snacks I think she would like

Since I grabbed my sister, I also decided to grab something for myself

After getting everything I needed, I ran to the Slytherin common room

When I got to Y/N dorm, I was gonna open the door but it was locked

I was confused but I knocked on the door

"Y/N come on! Open the door!" I said but got no answer

I went to my dorm to get my wand

After getting my wand, I went back to Y/N and Pansy dorm

"Alohomora." I said

I open the door and walked in

Y/N wasn't in bed

I put the snacks on a table

I saw the bathroom light on

I knocked on the door

"Y/N you in there?" I said but I got no answer

"Come on, say something." I said

There was no sound

"Come on Y/N, say something."

I grabbed the door handle and open the door

When I saw Y/N on the floor, bleeding and passed out, my heart completely broke

I ran towards her

She cut herself even more

"Come on Y/N, wake up!" I said

I was shaking her, so she could wake up but it wasn't working

I couldn't take her to the hospital wing cause she cut herself where the dark mark is

I grabbed a towel and put it on her arm

She lost a lot of blood. I looked at her. I never seen her calm

Oh what am I'm saying, she's passed out

Only Professor Snape knows about the dark mark. He works with my father

I saw him once in a meeting with my father

There has to be a way to get Professor Snape here so he could help me, but how

Oh great. This is just great. Luna must be wondering where I am. She's probably worry

I have an amazing older sister but seeing her like this is just hurts a lot

If I can't get Professor Snape's help, than I gotta find a way to wake up Y/N and ask Snape for help

For once in life, I'm actually using my brain. I know Y/N would be proud cause she knows I don't use my brain at all

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