Chapter Fifty-Eight

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It's been a while since I left Hogwarts. I left a note to Pansy and the boys saying that I had to leave before things get worse

It took me a few days to get back to the Malfoy's Manor. It was a long walk. It felt like my foot was gonna fall off

When I got to the Malfoy Manor, I was nervous to go inside. I knocked on the door and it was Bellatrix

"Well well well, look who it is." She said with a smirk on her face

"Bella! Who's at the door!?" Narcissa said from somewhere

"It would be better if you come and see yourself!" She said

I gave her a death stare

Bellatrix open the door even more. She still had that smirk on her face. I could see Narcissa coming down the stairs

When she saw me, she quickly walked to the door

"Y/N what are you doing here!?" She asked

"Harry found out." I said

Both Bellatrix and Narcissa looked at each other and than at me

"Come inside than." She said

I walked inside

"I'll bring your father down." Bellatrix said

I give her a small smile

"You should wait in the living room. It would be better if y'all talk in there." Said Narcissa

"Ok thanks." I said

I went to the living room and waited there

I know he would be yelling at me for not killing Dumbledore and not having the wand

He might think I killed Dumbledore and I have the wand right now but when I tell him he would be fucking mad

When I saw he walked in, I had my wand ready

"You skipping school?" He asked


"Than what are you where?" He asked

"Well-" before I could even finished my sentence he talked over me

"Did you killed Dumbledore and you have the wand?" He asked


"Of course. I should've let Michael do it. He won't disappointed me at all. But you... you always disappoint me." He said

I was quiet. He doesn't realize how hurtful his words are

"Oh so now your not saying anything. What are you doing here Y/N!?" He said raising his voice

"Harry found out!" I said

He was silent

"Look I don't how he found out but I can't go back. If I do than we're fucked." I said

"Or maybe your lying!" He said

"No I'm not. I'm that stupid to even think about telling Harry or anyone else at Hogwarts!"

"Oh don't even start with me!" He said

"If you want to kill Dumbledore so badly, why don't you do it yourself!" I said

"Oh I would but I can't go back to Hogwarts."

"Why your scared?" I asked

"I'm not scared! There's just things I've done when I was younger." He said

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