Chapter Thirty-Eight

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I was reading a book until Narcissa said it was time for bed

I put my book on my nightstand and turn off the lamp on it

I was sleeping peacefully. I felt relax, with no one bothering me    

I just hope Neville would send a letter back to me

I heard something from downstairs

I ignored it at first, but later on I heard yelling again

I could hear footsteps coming closer to my room

Then the footsteps faded away

I turn in my lamp

I got up and went to the bathroom

I had to be really quiet and not make a noise

I didn't want to make my father mad again

I continue to hear things from downstairs

I really need to stop being curious for once in my life, but I grew up being curious, I couldn't help it

I walked down the stairs slowly while grabbing the handrail

Not only I was going to check out what's going on but I needed a glass of water

I was just about walk pass the dining room but there was a bunch of people and my father

It seem like some kind of meeting

I had to think of something to pass by

I was scared of walking by. It would feel like walking by the hallways of Hogwarts

I took a big breath and started walking to the kitchen

"Ummm my lord, isn't that your daughter."

I was a dumb ass

Why couldn't I wait till tomorrow to get water. I just hope I don't get my ass in trouble

My father turn around and saw me

"Hello." I said

"What are you doing out of bed?" He said

"I-I was going t-to get a glass of water." I said

"There's no need too." He said with a creepy smile on his face

"What do you mean?" I said

"Your going to sit down."

"But I gotta sleep." I said

"You don't need sleep. Now go on, sit down in that empty spot!"

Great now I had to sit next to Lucius

Everything was boring

My father never stop talking

It was really annoying

I could tell the other deatheaters were tired ass fuck

I could see someone in the back of the room

It was hard to see who it was

"Wormtail!" My father yelled

The person that was in the shadow came forward

It was a man. He looked so pale like if he seen a ghost

"Yes my lord?" He said

"You don't mind if you take my daughter down to the dungeon." My father said with smirk on his face

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