25||No one can![Edited]

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I clench my hands into fists. "Where have they gone...they couldn't have possibly. Saeyoung...Saeran." The trust between us was obviously low, but I didn't expect Saeyoung to recklessly leave with Saeran especially knowing his weakened state. "This is all my fault if only I hadn't..." Hopelessness was the only thing I was feeling right now.

I run out trying to look for tracks before sighing. I've failed to protect them....I've failed again. I've failed (Y/N)...


"I want to see the Savior," I demand before glaring. "I turned in the rat. I was never a traitor. I need to see her!" I began forcefully pushing them out of my way.

"Saeran..." I hear a voice from behind me. "So you've decided to come back." I look back to see Rika with a smile on her face. My heart raced as she got closer. "You must've been so scared out there." My hands felt cold.

"Yes..." I turn my head. "It was cold, and terrifying. Who knew living out there would be impossible." The silence in the room was becoming eerie. "...But I'm back now. Ready to serve you again."

Her eyes darkened. "How can I be so sure of that?" I turn my head back at her before staring blankly. "You did decide on your own to stray off didn't you? You punched one of my beloved believers harshly on the face before running off. You may still have bad thoughts. A cleansing will have to be done."

I take a step back before slightly chuckling. "It seems so." I felt the presence of the believers get closer. "...You're no Savior..." I glare at her, "and I won't be taken advantage of by you anymore." Her eyes soon turned of those of anger.

"What?!" My heart beat faster as she came closer, and as the believers got closer. I smirk. The lights soon go out. "What...what did you do?"

"The lights are out!"

"Where did he go!"


"Agh! Alright alright! I'm going faster!" My arms were tied behind my back as a believer forced me forward. His body build was huge compared to mine. "Hey you're pretty strong. Too bad your strength is being wasted here. You can make good money as a body guard or something. Like in an agency." Soon I get shoved harshly again.

"Shut up."

"Wow so pushy. Be a bit more gentle can't you see I'm weak compared to you?" The cell was getting closer.

"I said shut up." I quickly move off the side before getting shoved into the cell. "Agh! What the!"

I fall onto the floor. "Shit!" I quickly get up before slamming into the cell door. He begins to get up before charging towards the door. "Seriously you need to watch the hands." I lock to door before he could open it. "I've had a lot of training. One big pushy man isn't gonna stop me."

"Don't you dare leave! You must stay here! You must be saved!" He began banging on the cell. The ruckus was becoming annoying. I looked down reaching towards my pocket.

"Saeran what do you expect me to do with this?" I walk out with key in hand. Saeran definitely has something in mind, but I needed to figure it out fast or else we're all doomed. "Is it to (Y/N)?" I shake my head. "Certainly he must have thought more thoroughly. I can't just grab her and leave without being caught especially with all the high security..." my eyes soon widen. "To the security room. If I disable it all Saeran will be able to sneak away, and there will be total mayhem. With all of that we can also get (Y/N) out..."


I held onto the locked door nob. "This is so cruel." I look down feeling frustrated. Soon the lights begin to flicker. I take a step back in confusion. "That's odd..." Many foot steps could be heard outside the room. Soon I heard a fall. My heart raced. The door soon opens and behind it was Saeran.

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