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I felt like I was freezing cold and the blankets over me weren't helping much.....I was snuggling up against.......someone?...I open my eyes and notice that someone in a red long sleeve shirt. 'Almost looks like Sev-!'

I gasp before pushing away and falling onto the floor. "S-Seven?!" I shake my head feeling my face flare up. 'Why is he in bed with me?!' I groan and grip my head feeling an intense headache.

I hear a groan and a few cracks. I peak up and see Seven stretching. The hair on the right side of his head was flattened since he was sleeping on that side. He immediately looked towards me surprised, "(Y-Y/N)!"

He squinted his eyes. His face was red and his glasses were off. "Seven?!" I shut my eyes closed, "why are you in my house?!" I shake my head feeling embarrassed. He began rubbing his eyes.

"You....don't remember?" He sounded very sleepy. He turned around and grabbed something. He looked back before putting his glasses on. "Damn I really thought I'd wake up before you. This is just awkward." He ruffles his hair before getting up.

"...Still why are you here?" I asked while still staring at him. His face was red as he looked the other way.

"You...well. I'll tell you in a bit! Just get back in bed... you might still be sick." He walked over to me before nudging me up. "You're burning up." He put his hand on my forehead before commenting, "how could you have gotten this sick?" He asked as he tried getting me back in bed.

"I-I don't know. I feel like I'm freezing!...Why do I have this feeling?" I whispered out confused with my hand turned into a fist and against my chest. I soon look back up to Seven.

"What feeling?" Seven asked as he stared down at me, "Umm sick?" He questioned with his head tilted.

I shook my head before answering, "I feel scared..." I look to the side. "I don't want to be left alone in this...lonely house. It just feels so empty here...Like there used to be someone else." I could hear Seven sigh.

"Maybe it's because Rika would sometimes crash here." I jump up as I hear Rika's laughs around the room, but only I could hear them.

"Wh-What do I do then....?" There's nothing I can really do. I look down and grip my chest with one hand.

He looked down and crosses his arms before shrugging his shoulders. "I don't know what to tell you." He shook his head before sighing.

"Well....what can you tell me?" I questioned not knowing what to say. I look up to Seven and notice that he was looking down to his feet.

He seemed strained, "Who are you?" He questioned me while looking into my eyes with a serious tone and face. I bite my bottom lip not knowing what to say.

"I-I'm," I shake my head before looking back into his eyes, "I'm (Y/N)...who else could I be?" I don't even know my own name I had in the real world.

"Last night was (Y/N)...but I can tell you're not (Y/N). Well....not completely that is." He began walking closer towards me backing me up against the wall.

"What do you mean?" I slightly trembled trying to pick my words mentally in my head. I swallow not knowing what to say next. He began looking mad.

"Last night was (Y/N). Last night was my friend (Y/N). Who are you!?" He was extremely close. I stared up into his eyes. "Last night I was thinking (Y/N) was back, but now you're here again. I know you're someone else. You're in (Y/N)'s body."

"Th-Thats silly." I grip onto the wall and give him a nervous smile. "I look like (Y/N) and speak like her... who else could I be?"...I don't even know who I was prior to this...

He slams his hand next to my head. He looks down and starts gripping his heart. "Why does it feel like I recognize the person who hides in (Y/N) body though?" He looked like he was about to break down.

My words. My words. "It's cause..." he looks into my eyes looking for an answer. "You might!" I felt another headache, but I knew it wasn't from Saeran.

He continues gripping his heart chest. "I-I! No! No! Why did I yell at you!?" He began walking back and shaking his head while grabbing his hair. "Now my heart feels like it's about to burst! I feel so bad!"

"Seven, what's happening?" His face was so red as he walked back. He shook his head and soon turned around and bursted out... I stare for a couple of seconds before falling onto the floor. "Who am I gonna talk to now?" I ask myself. Thinking of it now...I haven't actually tried talking to any of the rest of the R.F.A members...

I stare down at the phone...who might be available. I dial a number. I was glad to see he picked up. I put the phone close to me ear.

"Hey!" I could already imagine him winking.

"Sorry if I was interrupting anything." I honestly didn't know any of their actual schedules. I could only really guess them and right now I guess Zen isn't really doing anything. Seven just ran out on me, Jaehee is working always, Yoosung is probably in class, Jumin seems to always work around this time, and V is M.I.A. So that'd leave Zen...open?

"Nah you can call me anytime babe haha. I was only practicing some small lines since I was bored. I'm glad you called."

"You're glad I called?" I question.

"W-Well of course! Now I can talk with someone without having to practice some boring lines." I was confused by his sudden change of tone.

"Tell me about these lines." I try thinking of something to say.

"Oh! They're for a musical about—huh? My phone's signal? The wifi? Sorry—." I stare down at my phone confused before getting another phone call. Except this one being from Saeran.

"Tsk!" He seemed to be breathing harshly.


"Why you!? N-No! I-It's my falt...is it? Damn!" His breathing was still harsh.

"Is there something wrong?" I felt slightly concerned for him.

"S-Something happened. I-I don't know what happened...agh! But it's making everyone feel...slightly of what happened during the routes you played...god...haha you played them all didn't you? You left one unfinished. That unfinished one is...affecting Luciel... ahaha, but I get fucked over in all of the routes! Gah!" He seemed to be awefully annoyed, frustrated, and in pain. "...the feeling of death isn't nice you know...it all burns." He soon hangs up...He does die in some of the endings... and I've played those over and over just to get the hourglass...

"So do they all have feelings for me now?" I ask myself. "Jesus what a harem." I shake my head. "Priorities are...god I'm fucked. Seven was possibly one of my only helps."

"Saeran is feeling the pain of death over and over again right now." I shouldn't, but I felt bad for him. "He must be in an awful lot of pain."

I fall back feeling incredibly sick. I just didn't want to get up. "Will Seven be distant from me now? Everything is just in ruins. Please just end it."

[Edited 8/8]

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