Back at last! ~ 1

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Harry Potter stepped into his dorm that he shared with Ronald Weasley and Neville Long bottom, he was happy because they where both his friends and he enjoyed their company.

"I'm going to get unpacked and then meet you guys at dinner, okay?" Harry said calmly.

"Okay, make sure you actually end up coming though!" Ron chuckled.

"Yeah, yeah!" Harry smirked softly, missing Ron's sense of humor.

It had been a while since Ron and Neville had left for supper, Harry was done unpacking his stuff but didn't really feel like eating anything.

He had lost his appetite after the war- well more like devolved an eating disorder, (I mean who wouldn't after seeing Voldemort's face so many times?) he was getting thinner and wondered how long he could hide it from his friends because Hermione usually knows when something is wrong with him.

He laid there for a bit slowly drifting off to sleep, he knew Ron would be upset with him if he missed their first dinner back at Hogwarts so he quickly got up snapping himself out of his sleepy mood.

Harry finally entered the great hall looking at Ron who was stuffing his face as usual and Hermione who was looking at him with a disgusted look shaking her head. Then at Draco Malfoy his sworn enemy for years, he was dreading spending another whole year with that in titled git.. Ugh he is so irritating all the time, that prat!

He sat down at the table staring at his food, the thought of it makes him want to throw up.

"Hey, Harry!" Hermione said smiling widely at him.

"Hey Mioni." Harry replied with a small smile tilting his head slightly.

"Hey mate, you okay? You took quite long to come down." Ron said furrowing his eyebrows slightly.

"Yes Ron I'm perfectly fine, I just started dosing off a bit because I'm a little tired that's all." He replied reassuringly.

"Okay." Ron shrugged, gladly going back to stuffing his face.

Harry stared at his food for a bit before glancing over at the Slitherin table locking eyes with his enemy Draco Malfoy but this time it wasn't a glare it was simply a blank stare with no emotion , after a few seconds they looked away both rolling their eyes

"Eat." Hermione said not even looking up from her plate.

"I'm not hungry, I'll probably sneak into the kitchen later or something." Harry lied.

"Mhm." Hermione said nodding as if she saw right through him like she usually did.

He was happy to be back at Hogwarts, the place that he actually considered as home, he never thought of the Dursley's house as home.
He wondered what they did when he wasn't there, well that's their problem to deal with not his. Ugh but why did Malfoy have to exist?! That blithering idiot, oh the names he wished to call him to his face.

"I'm gonna go to bed now guys, see you tomorrow." Harry said getting up slowly smiling at his two best friends.

"Night!" Ron and Hermione said simultaneously

Harry waved "Night."

As he walked back to his dorm his owl flew towards him and dropped off a letter. Wich is normal for most students but not for him, he opened it.

Dear Mr Potter.

I professor Dumbledore would like to inform you as well as all the other students that we will be pairing you up with someone in your grade randomly to battle with, this will teach you how to defend and protect yourself in a real battle.

Your partner that has been chosen at random is: Mr Draco Malfoy.

~ Albus Dumbledore.

"Hey mate, who's your partner? Ron said walking up from behind him.

"Malfoy git." Harry rolled his eyes.

"Oh, well my partner's Luna Lovegood. She is quite a good witch I must say, but I'm sure I can take her on." Ron said with with a smirk facing Harry with his fists up as if he was gonna have a muggle boxing match.

"We should go to bed, we gotta be strong for tomorrow." Ron said and Harry nodded slowly as if he was in his own world, just hearing him.

They walked to their dorm together talking about Quittege. When they got back Harry decided to shower, when he got out both Ron and Neville where fast asleep.

He laid down falling asleep nearly right away wondering when the battle will take place.


Heeeeyyyyy guys, so how was it? This is the first Drarry I have ever posted so hope you enjoyed it! <3

P.S. don't worry it gets a lot better as you read more!

Message from author while writing chapter 12.

;) <3

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