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3rd P.O.V

back at camp.

"They're back. Over there!" Clarke walked ahead of the group towards the drop ship opening the flap for Finn and Wells to carry Jasper inside.

"Is he-"

"He's alive. I need boiled water and strips of cloth for bandage." Clarke cut him off and rushed inside while Murphy and Bellamy carried in the cat dropping it on the ground.

"Who's hungry?" Bellamy shouted causing the hundred to shout in excitement.


Clarke used the cloth to wipe away the blood and grime from Jasper's face. Finn quietly walked over to her.

"Do you really believe that massive red wolf was our Little Wolf? It's been ten years since her and her mom jumped ship." Asked Finn while he gave her a piece of metal he shaped into the two-headed deer they came across.

"Finn did you see her gun shot wound? It was bleeding blue blood. The reason they left was because of the color of her blood."

"Yeah, but that could just be because of the radiation here."

"Finn. She had the necklace on." Finn stopped eyes wide.

"THE necklace? The one we made her for her tenth birthday?" His emotions evident in his voice. Clarke placed a hand on his shoulder looking him in the eye.

"She was protecting us. It was her."

"Then we need to find her." He went to jump up but Clarke stopped him.

"Wait. We will find her Finn, but not while it's dark out and she would want us to take care of Jasper first. That's why she protected not only him, but us." Clarke tried to reason with him, but his emotions were spiraling and he started to cry.

"You don't understand. I need to find her."

"I know you miss her, we all do-"

"No. You don't understand. Milo's parents weren't really her parents." Clarke became silent for a moment confused.

"What do you mean? I thought Marcus and Mila Kane were her parents."

"Mila is her mom, but Marcus isn't her dad. Our parents' marriages were on the rocks. Marcus Kane cheated, and it broke Mila's heart. My dad was her best friend and she confided in him. One thing let to another and Mila was pregnant with Milo. She's a Collins. Clarke, she's my half-sister." All Clarke could do was sit and listen with wide eyes. That would explain a lot actually. Mila was always sending Milo off to play with us younger kids, mostly to be with Finn, but she would just sit and read books on plants and survival tips. Finn and Clarke would just follow her around and eventually even Monty and Jasper would follow her around and all of them looked up to Milo. She never used to speak much, but to her, actions speak more than words. "She's my older sister and I didn't figure it out until I found my dad by himself crying in his room after they left. He broke down and told me. Marcus knew Milo wasn't his, but they decided to be a family, and they were so full of love for each other no one would think differently especially since she looked just like Marcus."

"....Wow Finn I didn't know. Let's work on Jasper and make sure he'll be ok and we will spend everyday after looking for her." Clarke's soft voice was calm like the flow of a river, helping you along the way and bringing reason to Finn. He nodded and Clarke continued to clean up Jasper's face.



When Milo woke up she felt a searing pain in her arm. Groaning she slowly sat up seeing she was naked yet wrapped up in a blanket in Lincoln's cave. She looked down to her arm seeing it wrapped up will a little blood that seeped through. I looked around spotting my clothes on a rock near by. I went to reach over before groaning gripping my side. A growl escaped my lips at the sound of footsteps.

'Easy Little wolf, I don't know what you fought, but you have three claw marks across your right ribs.' I just nodded too weak and tired to even get dressed. Lincoln came and sat beside me while I layed down again.

'How long was I out?'

'Well it's almost dark, so all night and all day. Your wounds should be completely healed with in the hour thanks to your super healing, but you will have more scars to show your victory' His voice was soft. I nodded and rolled on my left side, Lincoln grabbed my arm unwrapping it to see there was a small pink circle on my arm where the bullet went in.

'What did you fight anyway?'

'A panther, and one of the sky people shot me with a gun.'

'I'm guessing you killed the panther?' I nodded with a smile.

'Why did I feel different? That bullet hit me and I felt, like I-'

'Was poisoned? You were. That bullet was silver. Good thing that metal isn't used much anymore. Let me see your side.'

'Yes dad.' My voice sarcastic as I pulled the blanket down to my hips for him to see, Lincoln has seen me bare too many times to count since when I shift back I'm naked. His cold fingers checked my claw marks which now seemed to be small scratches now. He pulled up the blanket over my chest and smiled at me.

'Did that group find the boy?'

'Yeah, and they found me. A panther came after them all. I attacked it before it could hurt them, but the one ass shot me by accident. The blonde? She saw the color of my blood and my necklace and figured it out.'

'Are you going to go with them?' I looked at him confused.

'What do you mean?'

'You just found friends from your old home that you hold dear. I'm just asking if you are going to join them in their camp?' His face solemn. I sat up holding the banket to my chest and laying my chin on his shoulder.

'The forest is my home. You, are my home. Yes they are too, and I have thought of them everyday for ten years, but I belong in the forest, not there.' He smiled and leaned his head against mine. We sat in silence for a moment before he patted my thigh.

'Get dressed. You need to go clean up so your scratches don't get infected.....plus you kinda stink.' He said making me try to hit him, but he jumped away with a laugh and out of the cave so I could get dressed in privacy.

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