Part 1

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You have been at the beach, relaxing in the sand for the past four hours. Two of those hours have been spent surfing, one has been spent soaking in the sun, and the fourth and final hour has been spent watching JJ watch the short brunette girl a few feet away. He hasn't taken his eyes off of her since he joined you in the sand, and needless to say, it was annoying you.

"Are you gonna go talk to her, or just stare at her?" you ask.

 "What are you talking about?" he responds.

You watch him as he aimlessly draws in the sand with his finger, not bothering to look at you when he speaks. You scoff, rolling your eyes at his blatant gesture. You lay down against the burning sand, burying your feet deep in it, pulling your hand over your eyes to use as a means to avoid the pressing sun.

"You've been staring at her all fucking day, and you haven't bothered to talk to her or anything, it's weird," you groan.

JJ pulls his eyes from her, a miracle, moving to face you. You look up at him and see the familiar cheeky grin growing on his lips.

"Are you jealous?" he teases.

You prop yourself up on your elbows, rolling your eyes once more.

"Why would I be jealous, JJ?" you ask.

JJ simply shrugs, looking you over slowly, which you find a weird change to his behavior from moments ago.

"Because it's not you that I've been looking at all-fucking-day," he implies.

God, was he annoying. JJ leans down to you, his body slightly caging yours. He raises his brows, waiting for your answer.

"Believe it or not JJ, I'm not obsessed with you. I don't need your attention all the time," you push yourself up closer to him, your face inches from him. You watch his eyes fall to your lips momentarily.

"I don't believe you, I think it's quite the opposite," he says.

You bring your palm to rest against his chest, slowly pushing him back as you sit up straight.

"Well you're wrong," you stand up, dusting the sand the best you can from your body, looking down at him.

"Now if you're not going to talk to her, then I will on your behalf."

You smile, making your way across the beach towards the girl, not bothering to wait for JJ's objection on the matter. As you get closer you can tell why JJ had been staring, she was cute, simple but cute. JJ grabs your arm, pulling you to a stop.

"What are you doing?" he mumbles.

He knew exactly what you were doing, that's why he is pulling you away.

"Hey, my friend-"

JJ clamps his hand around your mouth, silencing you before you can get the chance to finish your sentence. A few people turn to look at you, but the girl doesn't so much as even turn her head in your direction. JJ spins you around, an unamused look in his eyes, to which you can't help but laugh. He leans over and grabs your legs, throwing you over his shoulder.

"JJ, put me down," you giggle.

He shakes his head, walking you straight out into the ocean.

"No way, you wanted my attention and now you have it."

You wiggle in his grasp, but he doesn't let up. As soon as he's deep enough in the water, he pulls you off his shoulder, dropping you in. You hold your breath as you hit the water, pushing yourself back up as soon as your feet touch the ground. You wipe the water from your eyes, pushing your hair out of your face.

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