Chapter Ten

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I'll admit, hearing from Tk really did put me in a good mood. After the shit night I had then that argument me and Peter had, Tk really was a familiar voice I needed. Speaking to them, even just for the little bit of time we did, improved my mood immensely. 

Peter seems... I don't know how to describe it, awkward? No that's not it... Maybe he's mentally unstable. Ha, please I'm overreacting... He's a bit obsessive, creepy and kinda desperate. But I'm sure he's not unstable. Maybe he should see a therapist or something about his stalking and obsessive shit. How would I even ask him something that personal without sounding rude or invasive? 

Not to mention I don't want to make him angry, I'm not sure if Peter has a short temper... 

God I should have insisted on breaking things off when I had the chance. It's way to soon to be this serious, I'm just not ready for this crap yet. I mean he's everything I want in a relationship. Someone who's actually got a good job, a house, a car, someone who care's about me... Ugh... Why did this have to be so complicated.

Peter finally turned into the restaurant parking lot, pulling into a parking spot as I stared at the beautiful brick building. It was clearly a newer building, maybe a few years at most, not like some of the surrounding shops or stores. It looked expensive just from the diner sign... It had big  glass doors right in the front, and two large pillars besides the entrance holding the awning. The walls were lined with windows as well. I couldn't see inside to well but it looked like they had a whole wall of just wine as well... Probably really expensive wine.

Peter shut the engine off and stared at me while I gawked at the building, awkwardly opening my mouth and closing it a few times like a fish out of water as I tried to think of what to say. "I-I thought this was a family restaurant? I don't know if I can afford this!" I mean I have the money, I did just get my rent back from Mr. Williams but I can't throw money out at really pricy food. "How expensive is this place?"

Peter laughed, a sweet smile making a way on his face. "You don't really think you're paying do you? Love, I've got this. Order whatever you'd like, don't even look at the price."

"I can't make you pay for it! How about we just split the check?" 

Peter shook his head 'no', that smile still on this face. "I've already decided Y/n." He reached over and unbuckled his seat belt. "Ready?"

I didn't say a word but, knowing arguing about this would get us nowhere and just unbuckled my seat belt before opening the door and climbing out. Peter and gotten out already and walked around the van the meet me around the front so we could walk in together. He had gently reached over and had taken my hand in his as we walked to the door. I let him, not bothering to pull my hand away or make a fuss.

We are on a date after all.

I guess it won't hurt to try and enjoy myself, beside, I do like Peter. Sure he's weird, really weird. And there are a lot of red flags about him but maybe I'm just being pessimistic. I need to be doing the complete opposite of that! And damnit I'm going to enjoy my date.

"Uhh Y/n..." Peter had stopped outside of the door. I glanced up at him curiously. "Are you upset with me?" He asks and raised our clasped hands up, showing how tightly I had gripped his hand.

I quickly let go with an audible gasp. "No Peter! Shit I'm sorry, are you bleeding?" I know my nails aren't very long because I keep them fairly short for work but I think I dug them into his skin. "Let me see." I grabbed his hand and brought it up to my face, inspecting it for any cuts or marks. Thankfully I didn't cut him, I let out a relived sigh. "I'm sorry. I'm not mad though."

Your Boyfriend x Y/n A Drunk MistakeWhere stories live. Discover now