Chapter Fourteen

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We finished eating and Peter grabbed the plates, carrying them over to the sink. I stood up and offered to wash them since he cooked but he declined. "No, your wrist is injured. Why don't you watch tv and relax?" He flashed me a smile and turned towards the sink.

"It's not that bad. It only hurts when I twist it a certain way or pick something heavy up." 

"Y/n it's okay, I got it." 

Eh fine I won't argue. I walked over to the couch and flopped down, grabbing the remote and turning on the tv. I flipped through the channels before stopping on a crime show, probably not the best option but whatever. Once Peter finished washing the dishes he came over and joined me on the couch, snugging into my side and wrapping his arms around me. He began happily purring.

Wait purring. He can fucking purr?

Holy shit that's so weird, but so damn cute. I reached my hand up and gently caressed his head. Goddamnit he's cute... And those damn eyes... Fuckkk! I hate him. I hate him for how much I like him.

"I love you." He pushed himself up on his arms and leaned his face close to mine.

"I love you too." I smiled and pushed my face towards his, closing my eyes and going in for a kiss. 

Our almost kiss was interrupted by the sound of my phone ringing. Startled, I snapped my eyes open and jumped back, glancing around for it until realizing it was in Peter's pocket. I turned my attention back to him.

He looked pissed at being interrupted and pulled my my cell out of his pocket, glancing down at it before turning the screen to me. "Who is it?" He asked.

It was an unsaved number, but one from my town. "Maybe it's the police." I answer with a small shrug. A little intimated by his annoyed gaze.

He handed me the phone. "You should answer it." He grabbed the tv remote and muted the sound.

I nodded and flipped it open, pulling it to my ear. "Hello?"

Peter stared at me, probably waiting to see if I would say something like 'Help I was kidnapped.' Please I wouldn't be that dumb, he'd have the phone away from me in seconds.

"Hello, is this Y/n L/n?" An older male voice asked from the phone.

"Yeah it's me."

"You might not remember me but I was their during the night of the scene, my name is Charley. I'm a deputy at the department."

"Oh yeah, what's going on?" I looked glanced down at the coffee table, feeling weird that Peter was listening in the my conversation.

"Well we're just calling to inform you that the case is closed, and the cleaners have already finished up, you're free to go back into your apartment. We've already called Mr. Williams and let him know as well." 

The case is already closed? It's only been a few days? "Already? Doesn't it take longer then this?"

"It was open and shut, clear as day kid. Don't dwell on it, it will just upset you." He sounded annoyed, like making this call was aggravating to him. "If you need anything else feel free to give us a call." With that he hung up without waiting for a response. 

I rolled my eyes, annoyed at his attitude. I went to slip my phone into my pocket but Peter playfully plucked it from my hand and gave me a sweet smile. I decided not to fight him for it back, he might get mad. He slipped it into his vest pocket this time.

"Can you drive me back to the apartment? I want to pack some stuff." I asked him with a big smile. "They said I can go back inside." I told him even though he listened into my whole conversation anyway.

Your Boyfriend x Y/n A Drunk MistakeWhere stories live. Discover now