The heartbroken fae

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All sorts of methods are invented (by ourselves) in order to keep us from looking into all of ourselves and the sides of our person that displease us. This includes succubus, incubus, changelings, sirens, and others. Or are they real and just catch self-unaware people more often? A mix of both? Wouldn't that be more fun, rather than just have a bunch of people prowl about like they don't do any harm to themselves and others?

One day, I was taking a longer food break from work because the fake HR person (an unqualified finance person pretending to be HR) had managed to irritate me beyond my impulse control capacity.

I overcame the turmoil of my inner warrior, arguing with my inner strategist, about whether strangling was a valid course of action.

The strategist won with a slight compromise: the anger of both parts of planets would be shown, or the warrior would have a tantrum later. Maybe the strategist was extorted.

The question of whether or not my person, inner solar system included, was being scammed at work was popped, and the fake HR person stood still and told me to check my overwhelming, chaotic email account for her 3 word email.

I could not find it, could she please tell me instead?
She stood still, mouth stitched. The planets deliberated and I asked, most composed:

-What? You can't answer me?

CAT GOT YOUR TONGUE, YOU RABID SNAKE? Was the message, basically.
She turned around in silence to go to the bathroom and never came out, no doubt having opened some kind of secret pipe to go down the drain should anyone else's planets decide she, or the policy she guarded, was a piece of shit and rioted before she escaped.
I didn't bother checking after 2 hours had passed, I'd look for that pipe later.

There is an unexpected forest next to my workplace in the middle of one of the most urbanised lands in Mexico, and I went in to appease myself and find some solace under the trees, among the mysterious wells of dark green water.

A few metres in, just out of earshot of the gate guards, a perfect circle of shiny red mushrooms, no doubt a fae ring, was waiting for me on the leafy floor to step in and never have to think of work, deciphering whether I'm being deceived, unfair treatment, loneliness and insufficient salaries again.

If you step on a fae ring, legend says the fae folk, like pixies, faeries, elves, changelings and others, take you to their world via dance party, and you are never seen again on Earth.

However, I didn't step in. What the hell happened when you arrived to fae world? Why would they take you? So I just muttered, you nearly had me, nice try, but not today. I turned around like the fake HR and a silky yet pleading male voice called,

I turned again like in a dance to see a pale, beautiful young man, about 18, in a crimson suit. He had his hair dyed the same copper red I did, combined with piercing yellow eyes.
He stood frozen on the tips of his toes in the child-shoe sized fae ring. He was too flashy to have walked up to me unnoticed.

-Please don't go, I need a mortal to step in here for me to be able to get out.
I lifted an eyebrow.
-Oh, I see you are hard of hearing... I NEE-
-No, it's an "are you insane" type of "what". Sorry, I have no money with me...

He flapped around his hands as his legs fought to stay standing, like they were made of gum
-Please, just listen, I am trapped here unless a mortal breaks the barrier...
-I'm not gonna buy stuff today.

His pained expression reminded me of the time I had locked myself out of my own house at 2am, but worse. He was telling the truth.

-Does the mortal have to be human?
-I don't know, we've always done it with humans, but there was none on the other side for me to use! - he made a pained gesture -Come on, you surely want to party with me, don't you?

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