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Damarcus POV 6:00 AM

" So I just woke up to my loud ass alarm clock ,I ain't feel like gettin up so I just rolled back ova I was boutta close my eyes until somebody smacked my head

             "Yo WTF I jumped up so fast

"Wake yo ass up LeeLee said

" how tf you get in my crib

" I came in from the window lee-lee said laugh-in

"Dat shit ain't fuxkin funny lee-lee

" dat shit ain't fuxkin funny lee-lee said mock-in me

"Why yo ass here anyway on foe and how you get in through the window when we live ina apartment

" don't worry bout all dat shorty and I need a ride to school lee-lee said

"I'm not takin ya ass to school lee-lee

"Whyyyyyyy she said pouting

" cuz yo ass hit me dat shit ain't cool on foe nem

" you'll get ova it, and you takin my ass to school so get the hell up shorty Lee lee said

" yo lil ass lucky I gotta go to school I said walk-in into my bathroom to brush my teeth

                      20 mins later
               Demarcus POV

" so we just got to school on foe we late ass hell cuz she wanted sum food, she always making me buy her shit I sumtimes wanna beat her wit a bat. I was takin outta my thoughts seeing my coach walk up to me

"Why we're you late to school Demarcus jerry said

" cuz leelee took so long ordering her damn food on foe. Why you even trippin bout it anyway I said

" because your the leader of this fuxkin team and the role players are always here before you jerry said

" I just fuckin told you why I was late on foe you buggin straight up I said gettin irritated

" you've been fuxkin late everyday for the past 2 weeks and I'm tired of lying to the principal for you.

" then don't I ain't neva asked yo ass to do dat foe me on foe. I neva asked you to do anything foe me

" you didn't have to fucking ask Demarcus. your like a son I never had, and your talkin to me like dis jerry said gettin mad

" my fault jerry fr on foe, just got sum shit on my mind

" I know your dealing with a lot especially what happened with your uncle but I can't let you play tomorrow jerry said

" THE FUXK YOU MEAN I CANT PLAY I said standing up

" your eligible Demarcus i told your ass to come to school on time

" But it's the fuckin state championship on foe dis ain't no regular game JERRY I said yellin

" I know Marcus but if I play ya I get fired jerry said
" ima try to fix your eligibility Marcus but I need you to be on fuckin time Jerry said

" it's lee lee she always holdin my ass up on foe I said " why can't you take her to fuxkin school

(If y'all didn't know lee lee is Jerry's step daughter Author note)

" every-time I try she always says your taking her. jerry said
" If your late tomorrow your not playin in the game even if they let you

"Im not gone be fuckin late coach god damn on foe I said walking out his office

                         2 hours later
Demarcus POV

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