James Gang

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So I ain't get no sleep last night because I'm worried about my mom's on foe ion want nothing to happen to her and it worries me that something will. I'm also kinda nervous on my first day of school Ion think ima fit in wit all theses rich people I'm from Atlanta on foe. I really miss lee lee she usually is the one to calm me down before games like the playoffs or when fans start to boo me you know that shit gets to me but I know she gone call me a bitch if ion toughing up but I do need ta go to sleep but soon as I closed my eyes I here someone bust through my door playing a loud ass saxophone

" Yoo WHAT THE FUCK IS YOU DOING i said confused

" bro calm down Bryce said laughing
" this how we do it in the James house he said before playing it again

" But I'm tired so ima go back to sleep I said laying back down

" you know I'm not gonna stop until you get up right Bryce said before playing the saxophone louder

" OK OK IM UP DAMN I said putting my hands In the air
" ion even have any clothes Demarcus Said

" Well before you got here my dad bought you a lot of clothes and even shoes Bryce said opening up his closet

" I ain't ask for nun of dis shit on foe Demarcus said getting up

" like I said bro your apart of the family now Bryce said
" and you need ta hurry up because it's almost 7 and my mom doesn't like us being late for school

" shit I know on foe my moms is the same way Demarcus said recapturing a memory

" see you understand Bryce said laughin
" now hurry up we got 20 mins to be their he said before walking out the room while playing the saxophone

Demarcus POV 7:55 AM

So Bryce just got done showing me around the school which made us late. But I just got ta my first class I was shocked to see the door wide open so I just walked in soon as I walked in I noticed that the entire class started staring at me

" Um can I help you with anything Mrs. Johnson said as she walked closer to Demarcus

" Well today's my first day so I'm new I said
"Or do I have the wrong class Demarcus asked awkwardly

" Ohh you must be Demarcus Jones she said shaking his hand
"My name is Mrs. Johnson Welcome to my class sit right by Jayda she said pointing towards the other side of the classroom

" Um who is Jayda I asked confused

"I'm Jayda a girl said raising her hand which made Demarcus walk and sit right next to her

" You looked so awkward She said laughing at Demarcus

" I am on foe Ion know nobody shorty Demarcus said laughing

" We'll now you know me she said smiling at Demarcus which causes him to smile

" Well since I knoe you shorty you mind givin me a tour of this place Demarcus said laughing
" my cousin showed me around but I'm still confused

" Yeah I can help you. let me see your schedule she asked while trying to avoid eye contact

" Damn I got you shy now dats crazy shorty Demarcus said laughing which causes Jayda to playfully punch him
"Damn I think you broke my arm Demarcus said playfully holding his arm

" and I'll break it again to she said laughing which causes them to look at each other for a couple seconds

"Umm can I umm get the Schedule she asked nervously

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 16, 2022 ⏰

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