Past Time

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                          Demarcus POV 6:25 am
So I just woke up in this weird ass office the last thing I remember was talking to this short white guy on foe so I believe me and lee lee was kidnapped I then realized that I was able ta move my arms which means I'm not tied up so I can escape I was about ta stand up until Gary walked into the room

" look who finally woke up Gary says laughing while walking in

" yo what the fuck y'all want wit me like fr Demarcus said getting worried
" and where is lee lee
" WHAT THE FUCK DID YALL DO TO LEE LEE Demarcus said getting up

" calm down Demarcus she's actually in the other room with her family Gary said getting closer to Demarcus

" so why am I here and where is my mom and who the fuxk are you Demarcus said

" Demarcus I'm gonna keep this short, your here because we need to protect you we call this witness protection Gary says

" why am I in witness protection Demarcus said confused

" your mom and aunt is involved in something that is very dangerous Demarcus Gary said
" Last night around 22 hundred hours they were abducted by a very dangerous man

" like who Demarcus said sitting down

" well we noticed that the man that we have been looking for dates your aunt and we know that your mom works at the club, so we managed to get your mom to help bring him in Gary said
" but your mom told your aunt everything and she wasn't expecting her own sister to betray her which resulted in your mom getting kidnapped and assaulted

" wait so you tellin me my aunt ratted my moms out on foe you cappin nigga Demarcus said while laughin a little until he noticed Gary wasn't laughing
" so my aunt ratted my moms out is she gone be ok tho Demarcus asked

" we don't know Demarcus Gary said
" all we know is that moments before she was kidnapped she made a video saying that she loves you

" let me see the video Gary Demarcus said crying

" I can't show you the video Demarcus Gary says

" GARY SHOW ME THE FUCKING VIDEO Demarcus said with tears running down his face while holding himself back from punching

Demarcus POV 7:35 am

So after I seen the video I asked Gary to leave the room so I can process this shit like I don't get to see my moms everyday but I still love her to death like on foe she's like my best friend she talks me through things like I remember when I was a kid and I came home from basketball tryouts but I didn't make the team I was crying and my mom told me that I was the best ever and that things will get better she even told me to keep going and that I was going to be better than I ever was. She really is my role model and it hurts seeing her crying in the video I just hope they can find her I really do hope she's ok. I swear on foe nem but I was taking outta my thoughts seeing lee lee walk in the room

" Gary told you huh shorty lee lee said

" yeah shit hurts fr Leah

" I know Demarcus but your momma strong like fr my aunt strong lee lee said laughin which makes Demarcus laugh

" I just don't want nun to happen to my moms Leah

" I know Demarcus but you gotta be strong for her shorty on foe

"Ik and I will Leah fr just gotta process this shit

" we'll Gary just told me you leave Atlanta in like 20 mins so get ready shorty lee lee said

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