Game Day

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                      Lee lee POV 4:30 pm

So me and my momma just got ta dis fuckin therapy appointment on foe I fuckin hate dis shit lke why tf I gotta be here, she force my ass ta go every week lke ion even needa be here. I was takin outta my thoughts seeing the therapist walk in

" how are you Leah he said trying to start conversation

" I'll be good if I wasn't here she said feeling irritated

"We'll you gotta be here Leah her mom says

" no I don't on foe ya ass always tryna control shit lke you buggin shorty she said getting up to walk away

" Leah sit yo ass back down her mom said while trying not ta yell

" I'm not doin shit lee lee said while looking at her mom
" I don't wanna fuckin be here on foe. Nd you keep tryna bring me here lke I'm crazy or sum shit she said starting ta cry

" leah we've been doing this process for weeks and it seems that theirs something deeper going on he says

" what the fuck does that have to do with me lee lee says

"Leah dat is not true I definitely love you her mom says standing up to comfort her

" HOW IS THAT NOT TRUE she said yelling while crying

"Leah you put that on your fucking self I told you not ta be walking around like that around him her mom says starting to get mad

" I FUCKING HATE YOU Leah says crying

" AND I FUCKING HATE YOU her mom says while sitting down grabbing a cigarette outta her purse
" Yo ass hardheaded if you would've listened THE FUCKING SHIT WOULDN'T OF NEVER HAPPENED

" you just watched da nigga man handle me on the couch and FUCKING ABUSE ME Leah says getting closer to her mom while crying mad

" Calm down Leah their will be no fighting here it's prohibited he says while comforting Leah
"Mrs. Jones may I talk with you outside for a moment he asks before she nods her head

Leah POV 7:30 PM
So years ago my moms had a boyfriend aka my dad and at first me and shorty was tight we had a bond until he started looking at me weirdly and it got to the point my moms started noticing they would even have arguments about him staring at me like that. Until he threatened to leave my moms if she didn't let him you know touch me in that way. So my moms brought me in the living room and told me everything was going to be ok and that she had loved me then my dad picked me up and through me on the couch and started having his way with me I was only 12 at the time and my moms ain't do shit she just stood their and let him abuse me I was taking outta my thoughts seeing damarcus walk in his room

" Yo what the fuck you doin in my room mf he says looking confused

" ion knoe shorty I just needed someone ta talk to lee lee says hiding her tears

" hell nah since when yo ass crying on foe am I'm getting punked or sum he says looking around

" no you not shorty she says started to laugh
" yo ass always know how ta make me laugh

" nigga I known you foe lke half my life I betta knoe how on foe he says laughing
" let me guess yo ass went to dat therapy shit wit ya moms Nd she said sum dumb ass shit to make you cry

" yeah shorty but she just be buggin sumtimes on foe she says

" you think ion knoe dat he says starting ta laugh again
" one time I went to ya crib to bring you ya phone back Nd she gone close da door in my face I wanted ta give her a black eye so bad he says walkin into the bathroom

" we'll why didn't you lee lee says laughin

" cuz you knoe my moms would beat my ass on foe he says
"She don't play dat women abuse shit

" speaking of ya moms where she been at anyway shorty lee lee says

" she at work I think on foe normally she'll be home by noe but shit she prolly just late he says brushing his teeth

"Aye can you take me to get sum Macdonald's doe shorty she says while begging with her hands together

"Yea mf he says laughin
" had ya ass beggin like you was homeless he says dying on the floor with the toothbrush in his mouth

"Nigga shut up and come on she says laughin
" I'll be in da car chillin she says before she walked away

                          Demarcus POV 4:30 Am
So I just woke up to a loud as bang at my door I was tired so I just turned the otha way on foe I ain't got time for lee lee right noe ion knoe why she banging on the door tryna scare me when I let her ass stay on the couch foe da night so I was boutta close my eyes until lee lee came into my room and hit my arm hard ass hell

" yo what the fuck was that foe mf he says getting mad

" shorty da cops at ya door she says

" why the fuck the opps at my fuckin door lee lee he says
" what you do nigga he says laughing

" I ain't do shit dis time shorty on foe go open ya fuckin door she says before walking out

                           Demarcus POV
so I went and opened the door but I was hella confused cuz this man didn't say a word he just sat their lookin sad foe about 1 min lke mf why you at my door nigga until he finally spoke up

" Are you Demarcus Williams the officer asked sadly

" yeah that's me I'm guessing you already knew that Demarcus said still confused
"Am I under arrest or something he said looking at lee lee

" No but we need the both of you to come with us the officer said

" I AINT GOIN NO WHERE TILL YOU TELL ME WHY THE FUCK YOU TAKING US IN Demarcus said getting mad Then some guy walked up

" Demarcus my name is Gary Scott I'm a FBI agent we need you to come with us he said while shaking his hand

" what the fuck is goin on shorty lee lee said confused

" I ain't goin no where till y'all tell me what's going on Demarcus said getting mad

" DEMARCUS I DONT HAVE TIME FOR THIS he says getting mad
" it's either you walk out this fucking house or I drag your ass down Gary says cracking his knuckles

" is that a threat mf Demarcus said getting closer to the officer

" last chance Demarcus Gary says while cracking his neck

" I'm going back to sleep you wasting my time he says before dropping to the ground unconscious


" Don't worry Mrs. Jones I just put him to sleep he says comforting lee lee
" officers I need both of them to come with us right noe we're running out of time he says talking to the officers
Leah Ann Jones i don't think we properly met my name is Gary Jones I'm a FBI agent your safe with us we're not kidnapping you. But if we don't leave within the next 10 mins there will be men here to kill You and Demarcus. I'll answer any further questions once we get back to the facility he says before making Leah unconscious as well.

Next update coming soon. What do y'all think is happening??

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