Chapter 6

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Later that same night...

"Mama, did you have dinner with that strange man?"Luella asked as Georgia took a seat towards the middle edge of her bed

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"Mama, did you have dinner with that strange man?"
Luella asked as Georgia took a seat towards the middle edge of her bed. She had to adjust the light fabric of the canopy that draped down from above.

"I did." Georgia said tucking the thick folds of sheets and coverlets around her daughter.

"Was it scary?" Luella asked with curious blue eyes.

Georgia laughed before answering her daughter's question with her own. "How did you know, hmm?"

"I just took a wild guess." Luella said with child-like nonchalantness. She then had yawned. "I'm quite tired mama might we finish our talk tomorrow."

"Oh, so now you're putting me out." Georgia teased. "Goodnight my sweet Lue, I love you so very much."

Luella yawned again but this time her cheek curved to the pillow and she drifted away into a deep dreamless slumber. Georgia kissed her temple and brushed her hair lovingly before she exited to her own rooms. After, returning to her rooms she decided that she wanted to take a midnight ride to a secluded spot in the meadow she had found some time ago. Susan had helped her out her dress and hair pins before helping Georgia put on a plain cotton dress for riding and braiding her hair back in a long dark braid.

"My lady, are you sure you wish to ride alone?" Susan asked after wrapping Georgia in a shall for any cool night breezes.

"Yes, Susan do not concern yourself with worry. I will be back momentarily. I just want some time to think some place that's not here." Georgia told her with a small pout. She didn't want Susan to over worry herself. The spot was so secluded it would or could not be found easily which set Georgia at ease of anyone possibly following her or jeopardizing her safety.

"Of course, my Lady. Please be careful." Susan said with a smile before exiting to the servants quarters.

Before she knew it she was ridding off into to the distance of the gaping open meadow with one of the horses from the Heywood stalls, particularly her favorite mare, Ginger. She was a bronze chestnut color with wild spotted white patches on her back traveling down her legs. Ginger picked up speed as her hooves proceeded through the grass like flowery filled terrain. Georgia could feel her hair braid Susan had just finished coming undone and dark wild curls whipping through the wind as her back stiffened and her legs tightened around the Ginger's stomach.

The Duke of Richmond had returned to his estate at least within the last hour or so from having dinner at the Willoughby's. He decided to spend a while in his study before retiring for the night. He couldn't even lie to himself dinner at the Willoughby's had went far better than he would might have thought as he poured himself a glass of whiskey, which was more of an acquired taste and after all the wine he had been drinking all the night long he'd couldn't help the urge for wanting something much stronger and tastier.

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