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[ 𝐧𝐚𝐫𝐫𝐚𝐭𝐨𝐫 𝐩𝐨𝐯 ]

Loud chatter could be heard as the bus pulled up to the campsite. "Alright, everyone out the bus, we've arrived." The bus driver spoke as the bus came to a halt. "Why did dad send us here?" Tommy whined, gripping Wilbur's sleeve. "Maybe because you guys almost burned your house down" Tubbo quipped in as he grabbed his bags from under his seat. "Uh, Tubbo, I don't think I can stand up.." Ranboo said. "What do you mean?" Tubbo turned to the enderman. Ranboo stood up, his head hitting the roof almost immediately. Everyone's head turned to the direction of the bang and Tommy's loud laughter. "I said everyone out the bus" The driver said, getting annoyed. "Someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed this morning" Wilbur quipped as he got up with his bags. "I hate my job." The driver muttered to themself.

Everyone admired the camp as soon as they stepped out of the bus. "Ah! You guys must be the campers!" A voice spoke, gaining everyone's attention. "I'm Captain Puffy, and I own this wonderful camp! Moving on, I would like to introduce you to the counselors! Techno and Niki!" A sheep said as a cat and a pig came into everyone's view. "They will take it away from here because, well, it's they're job!" Puffy said and walked away, heading to her office. "Please follow us to the main hall, where we'll explain all the rules" Niki said and started walking to the main hall while Techno made sure everyone was following.

"Everyone take a seat" Techno spoke as Niki counted to make sure everyone was there. "Alright, so rule number one, don't go against staff's orders. Rule number two, no food/drinks in the cabins. Rule number three, quiet down after 10pm, some people like to sleep. Rule number four, no bullying or harassment, you don't have to like each other but at least be decent beings. Rule number five, no going into the other groups cabin, we'll explain groups in a moment. Rule number six, no sexual relationships because ew. Rule number seven, no drugs or other illegal substances, I'm mostly talking to you, Mr Soot. Rule number eight, respect others boundaries. Rule number nine, no use of anything dangerous or harmful without a staff member's permission and observance. And lastly, rule number ten, don't wander off, stay within the staff's vision." Techno stated. "What- you had drugs here??" Tommy whispered to Wilbur. "No, last time I was here me and my cabin mates made a fake 'drug' to prank the counselors with" Wilbur smiled. "You didn't tell me you've been here before? Is this where you went when you weren't home for a month?" Tommy questioned. "Yeah, dad sent me here because I shoved your head in the toilet, remember?" Wilbur said, making Tommy's eyes widen. "DAD TOLD ME YOU WENT ON VACATION!" Tommy exclaimed, making Wilbur laugh. "Alright, now we're gonna split you guys into two groups." Niki said. "Tubbo, Tommy, Drista, Lani, Emily, George, Karl, Sapnap, Corpse, Jack Manifold, Dream, Tina, Ranboo and Wilbur, follow me outside and stay together" Niki said and walked out the main hall. "Alright, the rest of you follow me" Techno said, following Niki.

"Okay, you guys are the mushroom group. You have the cabin on our left" Niki said. "And you guys are the twig group. You have the cabin on our right" Techno said. "Wait, how come we have 14 people and they have 15?" Tina asked. "We have another camper coming but they're late" Niki explained. "Now everyone go to your cabins and unpack, we'll call you later for lunch time" Techno said.


Written by me with feedback from illegal-laws <33 /p

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