𝐭𝐫𝐮𝐭𝐡 𝐨𝐫 𝐝𝐚𝐫𝐞

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[ 𝐧𝐚𝐫𝐫𝐚𝐭𝐨𝐫 𝐩𝐨𝐯 ]

The two groups split off into their assigned cabin after Niki and Techno unlocked the doors. "There's a lot less dust than I remember." Wilbur stated, placing his belongings down on one of the many beds. "Well that's good, it'd be annoying after a bit if there was a ton." Tubbo replied, doing the same as Wilbur. "How am i supposed to fit on this?" Ranboo complained, gesturing over to the bottom bunk of the bed Tubbo claimed. "You'll find a way eventually, maybe." Tubbo said, attempting to reach Ranboo's shoulder. "DREAM! WHAT THE FUCK?" A kid across the room yelled.

After a bit of unpacking and introductions to each other, the mushroom group decided to play truth or dare. "Why are we playing this again?" Jack asked as he cracked his knuckles. "We have about an hour until lunch and we have nothing else to do." George responded, rolling his eyes. "You've been asking the same question for three minutes. We haven't been able to start." Sapnap complained. "Let's just start, please. I'm getting a headache." Karl whined. "Alright, Emily was it? Truth or dare?" Dream asked, pointing to said girl. "Dare, only babies pick truth." Emily responded, attempting to sound 'cool'. "Uh, alright.. I dare you to lick the toilet seat." Dream spoke, already annoyed by Emily. "Oh yeah, I can do that." Emily said before walking into the attached bathroom.

After a bit she walked out with a wide smirk on her face. "Did you make out with the toilet or something? You took a while in there." Tubbo joked with a light laugh. "What?! No! Of course not." Emily scoffed, crossing her arms. Tubbo and Tommy made quick eye contact, both understanding they both thought that Emily is a bit annoying. "Moving on, it's your turn to ask Emily." Wilbur spoke, trying to keep the game going. "Okay, Corpse, truth or dare?" Emily asked. "I've already said I don't feel comfortable playing this.." Corpse mumbled. "Corpse is just watching, remember?" Drista said, looking over at Emily. "Right, right. Forgot that he's lame." Emily spoke with a harsh tone. "Yeah, no. Corpse is not lame, you're just a fucking jerk." Tommy said, his voice raising a bit at the end.

"It's time for lunch everyone! You'll have time in your cabins later, come on out please!" Niki's voice could be heard by both groups, and everyone began to rush out. "You guys must be hungry." Niki laughed softly, before doing a headcount to make sure no one would be left behind. "What's going to be served in the cafetiera?" Someone from group twig asked. "I'm not sure, guess we'll be surprised." Niki said as she stood up from tying her left shoe.


Written by illegal-laws :D

summer camp , mcyt / streamersWhere stories live. Discover now