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I groaned out in agony as the annoying sound of my alarm blared throughout the room. I reached out fumbling around the nightstand for my phone, desperately trying to hit snooze while my head was still buried under the covers. Since my hand alone couldn't seem to do the job, I agitatedly perked my head up getting on my elbows. Opening my eyes, I found that the thing had been right by my finger the entire time.

"Well ain't this 'bout a..." I mumbled to myself, sitting up fully.

After allowing myself a moment to realize where I was and fully wake up, I said my prayer starting my day the same way I usually do. I stood up stretching as I made my way to the bathroom to handle my morning routine.

As I walked out of the bathroom with my towel wrapped tightly around my body, I made my way into the closet thinking about how ready I was for the semester to be over. I know that it's only been a month since classes began, but I've been doing this school thing for a long time and honestly I'm ready to wrap it up. Thankfully my professor cancelled class tomorrow leaving my Friday wide open. Ecstatic wasn't even the word to describe how I was feeling about a long weekend.

The only thing keeping me sane is that I only have two more semesters to go including this one and then I can finally start work in my field.

Psychology has always been a love of mine. When I was a little girl one of my favorite things to do was "people watch". I know it sounds creepy, but I just found comfort in observing others and how they speak, taking note of their true emotions. After seeing we're all the same on some basic level, it made me feel like I could relate to anyone. When it came time for my senior year of high school it was a no brainer of what I would declare as my major. Becoming a psychologist was always the plan because it has always been a passion.

With that in mind, I need to get going.

I looked down to see the time. For someone who hated running late, I sure did manage to always be late. I huffed and hurriedly slipped on the outfit I'd taken out for today after deciding comfortability was definitely the way to go... as I do every day I have class.

Running to the mirror I quickly slipped off my bonnet and unwrapped my edges, allowing my braids to fall free.

"Ugh. It's almost time for me to get these redone." I mumbled to myself while laying down my baby hairs. I'm one of those people whose hair grows a little too fast which is a blessing... unless I have a protective style in. Then it almost feels like a curse.

Inconvenience is a better word.

Glancing at the clock, I saw that I had no time to really do anything to my face so since I'd already done my morning skincare I decided to go bare faced. And though I hated to walk outside without my brows done, the pair the Lord blessed me with would just have to do for today.

Not like I'll see anybody important anyways. And going to a PWI meant that most of the guys weren't attractive to me or they weren't into "girls like me".

Which is an amazing thing, because I'm not into dudes like them.

After running a spoolie and some brow gel through my eyebrows to at least tame them, I put on some lipgloss, and sprayed one of my favorite scents by Burberry over myself. Seconds later, I was out the door with my bag thrown onto my shoulder.

Just as I was locking up, I turned around and bumped into Phoenix who was making his way off the elevator.

"Well good mornin' to you too. You rushin 'round this early mamas?" He asked curiously as he drunk what looked like a milkshake, but I'm sure started off as coffee.

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