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It is currently 10:48pm and I am just now getting done unpacking and decorating all that I could for today. My goal had been to at least get the living area completed and work my way back from there, but I ended up completing the living area, bar dining space, and the kitchen. With the help of the good Lord and a bomb playlist there's nothing you can't accomplish, I swear.

I plopped down on the couch feeling relieved that I had done majority of the apartment, but couldn't help feeling like I was missing something.

"Oh my goodness! THE BROWNIES!" I said loudly, facepalming myself for forgetting.


He was really nice to help me out and all, but I literally can not force myself off of this couch to do anything other than shower and crawl into my big comfortable bed. I won't even lie to myself and say that I'll get up in a few minutes to make the double fudge treats because I know I won't. I'll just wake up a tad bit earlier than I usually do on Saturdays and deliver them then.

Besides, by the sound of the loud music over there I'm sure he doesn't even remember that I was supposed to deliver my thanks in food.

"Yea I'll just go with that plan." I said to myself as I got up from the couch, deciding to just bake them tomorrow. I slowly (but surely) made it to my bathroom, turning on the shower. The way my body was aching, I knew I needed the water to be extra hot to soothe my muscles.

I should really start back working out. This is just sad. I'm this worn out from just moving stuff around and that's a problem.

After gathering everything I needed for my shower from a random box, I grabbed my
plug-in mood light for my bathroom, getting excited about the ones I was getting installed tomorrow. I hated showering with the lights on, it just wasn't as soothing to me. I needed the lights and music for ambiance.

After switching  on the light and setting it to my desired setting, I turned off the overhead and got into the shower instantly moaning at how the hot water immediately relaxed my muscles.

Seriously, I need to start working out.

After about 15 minutes of me just letting the water run down my shoulders and travel down my back, my mind started to wander. I started thinking about my family and how much I missed them. Where I come from, a strong family unit is everything and I can honestly say that the bond between my mother, father, sister and I was extremely strong. They were practically my best friends. It was so hard living away from them, but I knew that this was the year that I had to finally leave the nest. Most kids my age would jump at the opportunity to leave home, but not me. I had been commuting from home and attending a University in my hometown for my first three years of college and I knew that I had to start preparing myself to be on my own.

Now I know everybody thinks girls like me stay home because they're dependent on someone else to provide but that was never my case. I still had my share of work and other responsibilities that I took on despite my momma's protests. I make my own money so that I don't have to ask nobody to get me what I want and I make sure to get my work done and handle business. I've always been like that. It's just taken me so long to get out on my own because it was really hard for me to move away from those I love the most, especially my little sister. I felt my eyes began to water when I thought about some of the memories and how there'd be less being made. I cried a little harder when I thought about how she's growing up so fast and I'm not there to witness it like I had been all of these years.

I quickly wiped my face, trying to remind myself to keep my eyes on the goal and that I would always have a home to go back to. It was just time that I started learning how to create my own for myself.

And that was just a part of growing up.

After exfoliating myself and washing my body, I stepped out of the shower to dry myself off and moisturize. Once done, I went into my room & slipped into a pair of panties and an oversized, vintage band t-shirt that I stole from my older cousin years ago.

If he doesn't miss it by now he'll never even realize that it's gone.

Once I took out my contacts, slipped on my glasses and put my hair into my bonnet it was wraps. I looked at the clock seeing that it was almost 1:00am, but my stomach was growling. This is why I'm always out of breath right here.

These late night snacks.

I took a moment to debate on whether or not I should fight the hunger and decided to just give in. I'm not even gonna judge myself considering I hadn't eaten all day because I was busy getting the last of boxes and miscellaneous items moved in.

I went into my kitchen and put together a quick omelet and sat down eating it while watching some random Netflix show. Once I finished, I cleaned up the small mess I'd made so that I could make sure to keep my place tidy.

I hated clutter and mess.

As I was standing at the sink I could literally hear the noise coming from across the hall.

"They must be having the time of their lives over there. They're loud as hell." I said to myself wiping my hands on a paper towel. I wasn't gonna be that neighbor to go over there and ruin the fun because I knew how it could get when you're with your friends having a good time and laughing at any & everything.

You can't even help the volume.

I smiled thinking about how it is when me and my friends from back home get together. Boy, I can't even count the amount of noise complaints we've gotten from just about everywhere we go as group. I know how it feels to have the fun ruined so I'll let them be. Plus they aren't nearly as loud as we usually are. My friends and I could definitely give them a run for their money to be honest.

After the dishes were clean and the countertop was wiped down, I made sure everything was locked up and the lights were turned off before speed walking to my room.

I do not fool with the dark, I don't care how old I am.

I said a quick prayer before sending my mom a text letting her know that I was going to sleep and that I'd call her when I woke up tomorrow. I knew she was asleep but I still sent it anyway. That woman goes to sleep too early. We were definitely polar opposites.

Once that was done I finally crawled into my precious king sized bed sighing when my head hit the soft pillow. I grabbed the remote going to Netflix turning on some cartoons, but turning the volume down. As soon as the remote was out of my hand, like clock work my eyes became heavy and I was dozing off.

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