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I abruptly jumped from my peaceful sleep as a sharp pain tore through my abdomen like thunder in a relentless storm. Eager to take in my surroundings, I opened my eyes only to find that my hand was already clutching my stomach. I swiftly turned attention to my nightstand, searching out my phone for the time.

It's barely 5am.

Doing my best to fight the cramps and the tears, I shifted off of the bed only to immediately pause all movement when the knots in my stomach twisted tighter.

Inhale. Exhale. Inhale. Exhale. I chanted internally to myself.

Once my breathing felt steady again I willed myself from where I'd found comfort hunched over on the side of the mattress.

Yes, I know I deal with period pains every month, but this by far was the worst episode I've ever experienced. This pain was intense.

All consuming.

Still coaching myself through steady breathing as if I were having contractions, I walked as quickly as my tormented body could manage to my destination.

The medicine drawer.

My eyes widened enthusiastically when they landed on exactly what I'd been so desperate to get to. The bottle shook in my trembling hands and the sound was deafening.

"No, no, no, no..." my fingers worked the cap off and I turned the container upside down. When nothing came out, I couldn't hold back the tears anymore.

The bottle was empty.

The bottle was empty and now I was doomed because last months Athena couldn't be bothered to restock after her period ended.

Compared to what I'm feeling now... I should've just stuck the little baby cramps out. Those were a walk in the park, but nooo — I had to be greedy.

"Great job Athena." I cried to myself — and I mean literally cried. I was so beyond annoyed with me that I couldn't even stand to look in the mirror right now.

This was just pathetic.

As I turned to leave, another wave of pain hit and my knees went weak making me lean onto the wall in an attempt to keep myself upright. With clenched fists, I did my best to take deep breaths hearing soft sobs leave on the exhales. This was agony.

Checking the time again, it was still too early for the nearby stores to be open and if I'm being honest I don't even think I could drive anywhere in this condition without crashing into a tree or wrecking some other way.

Hell, I am a wreck.

I slowly but surely made my way back to bed, constantly wiping my cheeks in vain as the tears were never ending — right along with the stabbing in my stomach. I laid back praying that this would bring me some form of relief or that I'd be able to wait the pain out with sleep.


After about five minutes of tossing and turning, I could not handle being in this room anymore. I stumbled into the hallway clutching a heating pad and water bottle in one arm while using the other to hold myself up as I made my way to the living room.

Upon arrival I dumped it all onto the couch before plopping right down.

Once seated, I quickly pressed the heated pad to my abdomen and opened the bottle tossing the cap
Lord-knows-where before downing it as much as my body would allow. Which really wasn't much before I almost choked from the next wave of cramps that hit me before the last set could even leave good enough. Despite the heating pad offering a little comfort, it absolutely was not enough.

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