𝗜𝗜𝗜. molotov cocktail

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❛ chapter three ❜

⊹₊ ⋆"OH MY GOD, DOGGY!" KIMBERLY grinned  as she pushed she rushed past Kate to pet the dog

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"OH MY GOD, DOGGY!" KIMBERLY grinned as she pushed she rushed past Kate to pet the dog. "If you told me you had a dog I would've ran here," she told.

"If I knew it was this easy to make you happy I would've bought you a dog ages ago," Clint grumbled as he closed the door behind him.

"Oh, he's, uh, not my dog," Kate replied as she smiled down at Kimberly and the dog. "Really wishing he was right about now, though," Kate whispered to herself.

"Nice place for a kid," Clint complimented as he looked around, Kimberly finally looked up from the dog and around at her surroundings.

"Yeah, I inherited it," Kate told. "What are you, 18?" questioned Clint.

"I'm 22," replied Kate. "Yeah, same thing," Clint huffed.

"It's really not," Kim mumbled earning a glare from her father. "So," Clint began. "Wanna get that vest off, so we can get going?"

Kate looked down at her outfit before frantically nodding her head. "Yeah. Yeah... I'll... I'll be right there," she said before grabbing her back and rushing up the stairs. "Totally cool. Just stay cool. The Hawkeye in my place."

"Don't even," Clint shook his head once noticing the teasing look Kimberly was sending his way. "So, where'd you get the suit?" he questioned.

"Black market auction," Kate replied casually. "And you bought it?" asked Clint. "No. Not exactly,"

"Mhm," Clint hummed. "So, what all did you do in this suit?"

"I beat some guys up. Saved the dog. Some light B and E," Kate listed.

"A 22-year-old vigilante," Clint mumbled. "Shouldn't you be in school?"

"I'm not?" Kimberly raised her hand before going back to the dog. "Yeah, well, you should be," Clint replied.

Kate scoffed in response as she made her way back down. "Funny you should ask," she said. Kimberly frowned as the dog finally got up and ran up the stairs. "So, uh, now that I've answered all your questions, I have so many for you. Uh, starting with... Can you sign this?" she asked as she waved her bow.

"I'm not done yet," Clint said as he took the Ronin suit from Kate.

"But when you are, can you sign my bow? You're kind of my favourite Avenger," she gushed.

Kimberly rolled her eyes at the admiration Kate had for her father before she began changing the subject, knowing she and Clint neither wanted to listen anymore. "Are you okay?"

"I'm good. Oh, yeah, no, I'm fine," she frantically said. "You should see the other guys."

"I did see the other guys," Kimberly added. "Tracksuit Mafia," Clint added.

"That's their name?" questioned Kate.

"It's stupid, isn't it?" Kimberly asked. Kate quickly nodded her head, not really sure what the question was but agreeing anyway. "Like, if you're gonna have a gang, at least name it something creative, Tracksuit Mafia," she mocked.

"Do you think they're the ones that killed my mom's fiancé's uncle?" Kate asked. "You're mom's fiancé's uncle?" Clint repeated as he raised his eyebrow. "Armand the third," Kate nodded. "Of at least seven."

"I- I do not know," replied Clint. "But what I need to know is if anybody saw your face?"

"No," Kate shook her head. "Kept the mask on like a pro."

"Okay," Clint said, glancing at Kimberly with a strange look on his face. "'Cause the person that worse this suit made a whole lot of enemies. All right? The Tracksuits are just one of them."

"That doesn't sound good," Kate states. "Yeah, no shit it doesn't sound good," Kimberly added as she finally stood up now that the dog was long gone. "So, we need to make sure no one knows it was you."

"I didn't tell anyone," Kate shook her head.

"There's no way you're connected to this suit what do ever?" Clint questioned. "That's right," Kate replied. "I need you to be sure," Clint added. "I am," replied Kate. "Certain?" Clint spoke more sternly.

"The Tracksuits must have followed you from the auction to where we found you," Kimberly said in a softer voice as she glared at her father. "Did you stop anywhere before that?"

"I just dropped off the dog," Kate shrugged. "Hey, Kate Bishop!" a voice came from outside. "And, my names on the buzzer," Kate finally added.

"Great," Kimberly mumbled before grabbing Kate's waist and pulling her down when her father had told them to get down, in came a flaming molotov cocktail thrown by the Tracksuits which began setting fire to everything around it. "We got a little surprise for you, bro!"

"Come on! Throw it!" one of them shouted.

Clint quickly elbowed the window as he sees another molotov cocktail flying towards the window, as it reaches the broken window, Clint grabs a hold of it before throwing it back towards the Tracksuits. "Put him out he's on fire!"

"I gotta get that suit," Clint said looking towards the fire which had the suit and bag sitting right in the middle of it. Kate looked around for a moment before pulling her arrow out and shooting a bow at the fire extinguisher which sent it flying through the air and outside towards the Tracksuits.

Kimberly heard the dog whining from up the stairs and her eyes automatically widened. "My home! All my stuff!"

"Fuck your stuff! Grab the dog!" Kimberly yelled.

Kate instantly took off running up the stairs, Kimberly and Clint following behind. "Wait! What about the suit?"

"Leave it. We'll come back for it," Clint replied.

Kimberly, Kate and Clint, along with the dog, all managed to run down the fire escape without being seen by the Tracksuits and were now waiting for a train. "So, where are we going?" questioned Kate.

"Getting further away from those people trying to kill you," replied Clint. "Right. And after that?" Kate asked. "We'll need some supplies."

Kate's eyes widened as she looked between both Barton's. "Hell yeah. Avenger supplies?"

Kimberly looked at her dad with a smirk before placing her hands on Kate's shoulders and whispering in her ear. "You're about to have your mind blown."

𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐀𝐍𝐓𝐈𝐃𝐎𝐓𝐄, kate bishop (n/a)Where stories live. Discover now