𝗜𝗩. progress

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❛ chapter four ❜

⊹₊ ⋆"YOU SAID I WAS GONNA BE MINDBLOWN," Kate huffed as they walked into the grocery store

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"YOU SAID I WAS GONNA BE MINDBLOWN," Kate huffed as they walked into the grocery store.

"What, You're disappointed?" Kimberly teased as she picked up some bandages. "Not gonna lie to you. It's a bit of a letdown," Kate replied.

"Sorry to disappoint you," Clint spoke. "Wanna grab some of that rubbing alcohol over there? Lower shelf."

Kate passed Kimberly the dog's leash before walking over to the shelf, "So what's the plan now?" she asked as she walked back over with the bottles. "Let me guess. We're going to your safe house? Is it in Avengers Tower?"

"No," Clint replied before continuing. "Tony sold that. A few years ago."

"That is so sad on so many levels," Kate mumbled before turning to Kimberly and putting her hand out to take the leash back now that Clint had taken the rubbing alcohol. Kimberly shook her head with a small smile before following after Clint. Kate grinned before following after both Kim and the dog.

"What is it?" Clint questioned as the dog turned to look up at him. "What do you want with me?"

"He wants your attention," Kimberly huffed as she crouched down to be level with the dog before petting him. "It's okay, boy. This is why I'm gonna be your mommy and he's gonna be the cranky old grandparent."

Clint rolled his eyes before glancing at the person in front of them and the cashier. "Look, I gotta find a place to stash yous. Safe. So I can recliner the suit and clean your

"Stash us?" Kate repeated. "We're not a bag of money."

"No, you're not," Clint replied. "A bag of money'd be useful to me."

"Ouch," Kimberly said mockingly as she stood back up as the guy in front of them left, she pushed Clint forward gently towards the cashier.

"Hi, how are you? Merry Christmas."

"I actually do know a place about ten blocks away," Kate spoke up. "Would a bag of money know a place?"

Clint and Kimberly both followed Kate to some random apartment, both glancing around to make sure no one was following them before following her inside the building and up the stairs. "Okay, not exactly a fortress, but it'll do, right?" Clint spoke up.

"As long as it has something decently comfy for me to sleep on, I don't really care what it is," Kimberly spoke up.

"It's my aunt's place," Kate told. "She's in Florida for the winter," she continued before turning to Kim. "Can you, um, hold this for me?" she asked as she held out her bow towards the Barton girl who took it.

𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐀𝐍𝐓𝐈𝐃𝐎𝐓𝐄, kate bishop (n/a)Where stories live. Discover now