Chapter Seven

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edicated to Hazzaluvslou for telling me I should use "Shots". :) I updated Online Lies yesterday. Check it out!


Louis didn't care about anything right now. He wanted to get a drink, get wasted, and dance his ass off. And nobody, nobody, was going to get in the way of that.

Liam came in to check on Louis, and found him sitting on his bed, hunched over with his hands folded between his knees, staring out the rain-splattered window with his mind wandering elsewhere. Louis had been distant since he had arrived, and Liam new that all of his and Zayn's coupley-ness was really bugging him. (Louis pointedly looked the opposite way when the couple shared an intimate moment, you know?)

Liam sighed and leaned against the door frame, crossing his arms. "Louis," He said softly. "You ready to go?"

Louis snapped out of his trance, turning to face his best mate. "Yeah. Yeah, I am. Sorry about that there. Just lookin' at that bear outside, s'really interesting."

Liam mentally sighed, his tongue darting out to wet his lips. He was fearful for his best friend, scared he wasn't as okay as he said, considering he was staring out at the street and there were no bears in the city of London.

"Louis," The Wolverhampton man starts. "You do realize that a bear couldn't possibly be out on the highway, right?"

Louis stiffens, his chlorine-colored eyes dropping their gaze to the floor. Why the hell would he say bear?

"It's okay to miss him, you know. It's completely normal."

"I don't miss him," The feather-haired boy snaps. "I don't give a damn about him!"

Liam pinches the bridge of his nose between his thumb and forefinger. He's never seen Louis like this in the seven years that he's known him. He had know Harry wasn't right for him, but he had let him continue on, not wanting to be a bother. Now he was paying the price for his mistake. "Alright. Whatever you say."

The Doncaster lad watched as his best mate vacated the room. He didn't mean to lash out, but he was just so tired. He had never realized how much of his life revolved around Harry, and he didn't like it one bit.

He had nothing to occupy his time. Liam kept the house spotless, so there was nothing to clean. Zayn had hired a personal chef for Liam, so Louis couldn't cook. So what the hell was he supposed to do?

A knock on his door interrupted his personal rant. Louis whipped his head around to find Zayn's caramel eyes studying him.

"Ready, Lou?"

Louis sighed and stood from his bed. "Yeah, let's do this."


Club Karmza was noisy and crowded, leading Louis to believe that everyone was in a desperate need of a good time tonight. Liam and Zayn had tried to keep the hand-holding to a minimum, but Louis felt like a down-right clingy bitch.

"For God's sake," He sighed in exasperation, tossing his hands in the air. "If you two wanna be a couple, then be a couple! Stop acting like you're trying to date behind my back!"

Liam and Zayn cast their gazes away from the angry man, avoiding his blazing stare and the suddenly awkward tension.

Louis sighed once again, this time in annoyance at himself. He can't seem to do anything right today, so he resorts to ditching Liam and Zayn and getting himself a nice, tall drink of Vodka and cranberry juice. (Or six of them, and three beers. But that's not for certain because he lost track a long time ago.)

Louis was pissed out of his skull, and wearing his "ass jeans" according to Zayn, so he decided to hit up the dance floor to shake his stuff. It just so happens that his favorite party song, Shots by LMFAO, was on.

Hey hey hey hey uh huh hey hey hey hey. Lets go yeah!

Louis had worked his way into the crowd, wedged between two groups of drunk girls, dancing and singing obnoxiously. Neither really payed much attention to the Doncaster lad, so he took the time to dance on his own.

When I walk in the club, all eyes on me. I'm with the party rock crew, all drinks are free.

"That part sure suits you well," A husky voice chuckles into Louis' ear as the stranger's arms slip around his waist.

Louis laughs and grinds his ass back into the guy's crotch. "Trust me, I know."

The feather-haired lad spun around in the man's arms to see his face, and Louis had to admit, he was beautiful.

His soft, dark hair fell just above the tanned skin of his eyelids. His straight, almost too straight nose, and his full, smooth lips that just look so freaking kissable like, Godddd.

"Not that the view of your bum wasn't great, but I prefer this side much more," The stranger smirked.

"And what, exactly, would your name be?" Louis asked as they grinded together on the floor.

"Matt. And you? I mean, I guess I could always refer to you as 'Baby Got Back' but ehhh, that's probably not something you want everyone to hear."

Louis laughed. He really laughed for the first time in months. He was really liking Matt.

"I'm Louis."

"Louis," Matt purrs, the name rolling off of his tongue like melting chocolate. Louis loved chocolate.

The blue-eyed man smiled, turning around again to grind his butt against Matt's crotch to work his magic once again. And by the way Matt's hands tighten on Louis' hips, he knows it's working.

Eventually, three songs go by and Louis is exhausted. So he pulls away from Matt to move to the bar.

"Hey!" Matt calls, trailing after him. "Where are you going?"

Louis shrugs after ordering from the bartender. "Needed a break. Thought I'd get a drink."

Matt pushes his bottom lip out teasingly. "You were gonna ditch me?"

Louis' drunk and overly flirty side decides to make an appearence. "I would've found you...eventually."

Matt laughs, but it's slightly droned out by a roar of laughter coming from further down the bar. And, no. God no, it just can't be.

Looking down the bar, Louis spotted Harry. The Harry he's been avoiding for the past two weeks. And damn it, damn it all if he suddenly doesn't have self-control anymore.

Matt must've sensed something was off, because he followed Louis' gaze before asking, "You okay?"

The Doncaster boy nods slowly, turning back to face his new found hottie. "Yeah. Ex. Avoiding. Dance. Now."

And who is anyone to argue with the King of Sass?

Clearly not the dark-skinned boy, because he willingly let Louis drag him onto the dance floor, feeling the eyes of his ex-boyfriend burn holes into their linked hands.

Louis noticed to, because as soon as they reached the dance floor, he shoved his tongue inside Matt's mouth.

Something wicked this way comes.

And it's name is Harry.

Louis Lies [Larry Stylinson AU]Where stories live. Discover now