Armin x Titan Reader Chapter 7

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Thud. Thud. THUD. The heavy impact of your huge feet echoed on the ground as you walked forwards, still following the humans who has found their horses on the outskirts of the forest. You had been following them for half an hour through the said forest, nervous and wary that one of them might suddenly turn and kill you.

Armin was on his brown horse riding next to you with, occasionally glancing in your direction, noting your discomfort but not saying anything as he didn't know how to make you feel less nervous.

There was no words spoken, just an empty silence in the air as you and the humans traveled with a quick pace, occasional whispers exchanged between the raven haired female, and the green eyed boy.

''Where will we take her?'' Armin said, breaking the silence.

''To the Recon Corps base as it's in the woods and is secluded from others apart from us'' The man with the thick eyebrows explained.

Still stomping along with Armin you let your thoughts fill with unanswered questions. Where was this base? Were they going to kill you? and How will they sneak a titan through the walls?.

Your thoughts came to a halt when you saw the outline of wall Maria in the distance surprisingly free of titans, they must have been killed off. Then you noticed what looked like smoke just visible above the wall.

''The smoke is a fire they must have lit earlier'' Armin whispered, loud enough for you to hear. Glancing down at the boy you watched his confused expression.

''Why would they light a fire when the could just signal with the flare guns?'' you nodded in agreement, groaning slightly.

''We set up a camp as we weren't sure how long it would take to find you'' The emerald eyed boy said, but Armin was still unsure.

''But what about the titans?''

''There's a building with a cellar we slept in''

That would explain why none of them weren't missing any limbs.

It took 20 minutes to reach the wall, and you crouched a bit fitting through the hole you went through previously when you had saved Armin (As it was the only hole there). Turning your head you noticed a section of a house had been barricaded well, and the roof had a hole in it, where the smoke was coming from. 'So that's where they were staying' You thought to yourself.

Armin caught up to the others on his horse, and the the man with the blonde hair proceeded to shout instructions to the other humans, then about 10 other humans rushed out of the house, circling the humans.

There was just few minutes of talking and making sure Armin was still intact and they all soon hushed and turned each of their heads, staring directly at you.

Wanting to break the awkward silence you raised your hand (This cause several of them to draw their swords) and waved at them with a gentle smile on your face.

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