Armin x Titan Reader Chapter 8

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A few hours had passed since your grand introduction and you were sitting just outside the humans camp. Some their reaction had made you laugh. One of the humans fainted right after you waved, dropping to the floor like a sack of flour, whilst the rest of them either looked at you in awe or confusion. Another with ash-brown hair and a long face attempted to run at you will drawn swords before being tackled by Armin, who quickly explained that you were on their side. However he still wasnt convinced as he said ''What if that thing tries to kill us whilst were sleeping''.

You were staring at the night sky, admiring the stars and the full moon. Even though this world was cruel and undoubtedly terrifying, there was little things such as this that made it beautiful. You let out a content puff of steam through your nose and laid back against the building behind you, arms crossed over the back of your head. Letting your legs stretch you could hear joints cracking as you did this, they were slightly worn from walking but they weren't aching. Now that were were more relaxed you began purring again, and the noise gently flowed in the air like a peaceful melody. Slowly your eyes began to shut, but a nearby cough interrupted your attempt to sleep. Your eyes shot open looking for the source of the cough and you spotted Armin stood with the green eyed boy, and the female with the red scarf. ''Um, we are supposed to set off now as most people will be asleep so theres less chance of you being spotted'' The blond boy said smiling slightly at you. Your response to this was a loud groan and you gave Armin your best puppy-dog eyes, and he blushed before speaking again.''I'm sorry, but these are not my orders they're Lance Corporal Levi's''Nodding, you stood up with an annoyed expression on your face, you really didn't like that short human.It didn't take long for all the humans to assemble, each of them on a horse and a mildly fearful expression on their faces as they stared at you. But you couldn't blame them as you were glaring holes into the back of Levi's head, who was stood with the tall blond man. Said blond man was giving orders of what was going to happen, and about halfway you noticed something.It was a titan, about 10 meters tall. Just as one of the humans noticed it and began shouting to his comrades, You quickly ran towards it with such speed you were just a blur, Jumping over the group of humans who were still getting ready to attack. It took you less than a second to reach the titan, and you swung your left fist punching the monster directly in its face and you heard it's nose cracking from the impact. The titan flew backwards smashing into the house it was stood in front of, literally destroying it. Then it hit another house and stopped halfway into the third house.You looked at your fist, which was untouched and didn't look as if you had smashed a titan into several houses and you looked at the humans, who were staring at you with wide eyes. There was another reason why you didn't fight, not just because you disliked violence, but because you had an immense amount of strength and speed which you knew how to use it when the time came.''Right then.....lets continue to the Recon Corps base shall we?'' The tall blond haired man said, raising his eyebrows at you, and you just glared back at him still annoyed that your sleeping time was interrupted.

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